Real Estate Administration
Of course, it's best just to buy the land, but this will require money, and not small. You can try to obtain land at a much lower material costs. But time and nerves, this method takes a very and quite. But – first things first. Thus, the procedure for acquiring land – step by step guide. Order in the City Hall or the main administration settlements to which the desired site, with vykopirovku topographic plan on a sheet of A4 or A3 in 1:500 scale. have reduced image area where the land is situated.
If the exact address of the site is not known, then there must be some other benchmarks, such as addresses neighboring houses. I warn you that for vykopirovku have to pay about 300 rubles, and the payment is not for the number of objects analyzed, and for the number of sheets. Now we must write a statement to clarify the burdens of This land, which make the resulting vykopirovku. Further clarification will go on burdening of this territory, ie, Does anyone on this earth legal rights, supported by relevant documents. As a rule, This process takes no more than a week. In the case of charges, ie someone has a right of ownership or lease on the plot, then this is all finished and should be started all over again, ie search for new land book vykopirovku etc. If the plot is not burdened with rights, then this would indicate strains put on previously obtained vykopirovku. This is followed by using all the same vykopirovku, write a statement of verification land in the presence of "red lines", ie prohibiting construction.
These factors can be expensive, strategically important facilities such as gas, etc. As in the previous paragraph – in the absence of prohibitions on the construction and use this on vykopirovke will be tag or appropriate help. Now we must make a special statement on the provision of land for individual house building (individual housing), to which attach documents obtained earlier. After that, all the papers submitted, as a rule, the Department of Real Estate Administration poseleniyana recent global review. If the commission did not find any contradictions and zayalenie approved, then made an official publication in local newspapers about the possibility of holding an auction for this parcel of land. If at the end of the month after the official publication in the media department of real estate not received a single application for the land under consideration, then it becomes your – not yet in the property and the right of a three-year lease, during which there need something to build. Then, upon construction, it is possible draw the plot in the property. If the department has received another application for this land, then there is an auction for its sale. As a rule, often buying the land at auction comes more market value. But there is no rule without exceptions – perhaps it is you're lucky.
Administrative Law
Instruction is usually not contrary to public law in the Netherlands – the Netherlands, if it includes decision that an individual can not use. For example, the decision of the administrative authority to sell land is not an order, because anyone who owns a parcel of land, may decide to sell it. However, the decision issue a building permit is considered to be the order because the individual has no right to make such a decision. The principles of common control in the Netherlands – Holland fulfilling his mandate, administrative authority must comply with certain requirements of the Act. On the one hand, those requirements included in national or European law that specifically focus on certain areas, such as housing and environment.
On the other hand, the administrative body must always act in accordance with the principles of common control (algemene beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur). Many of these principles set forth in the Basic Law on Administrative Law. Government issues orders through the use of common principles of governance. Preparation of orders in the Netherlands – the Netherlands, the grounds on which it is based and its contents must comply with the obligations that flow from these principles. For example, such cases should be treated equally, and the parties' interests should always be compared with the public interest, which correspond to law. Another important principle – the principle of justified expectations. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Arena Investors. The administrative body in the Netherlands – Netherlands must respect the reasonable expectations of the person whose statement he is considering. On the question of, does the Executive Order requirements, the prisoners in the principles of common management or other European or national legal standards, refer to the administrative court. Zoning plan in the Netherlands – Holland in the Netherlands – Holland in each municipality zoning plan provides for the specific purposes for which the structure or land shall be entitled to use.