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Deutsche Bahn

Posted by Carlota on May 31, 2020 with Comments Closed
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Only in terms of the binding defined service obligations, at least half of them believes that the requirements were already sufficiently realized. Barchester might disagree with that approach. But otherwise they exhibit a bad judgment to the authorities in the large majority. So not once every fifth of the respondents politician believes that the citizens in the offices encounter a reasonable acceptance. According to by similar to many citizens can expect also the extent and quality of services, as they normally would expect from companies. It is surprising, why in the eyes of the politicians the service demands on public administration should correspond not to companies”, ec4u Director Mario Pufahl is surprised. After all, the companies would develop methods and solutions through their competition to improve the service quality and customer orientation, which might also benefit authorities.

It is not comprehensible, why are Governments as public service providers to lower He criticized claims to align”. On the contrary, State institutions could learn a lot by the efforts of companies to optimize customer management. How can the money be generally described by citizens and State: the citizen is a customer of the State? a true label 23% no, because the citizens are service recipients of State 9% no, because a customer relationship is a private relationship ahead 41% that makes money is not its 27% (n = 198 Federal & Landtag;) Source: ec4u; May 2010) what to expect of the citizens of the State and its administration? Active acceptance of the authorities 73% service quality after scales of economy 47% customer services as you expect from companies 58% binding defined service requirements of for authorities 84% regular active and direct speech 29% (multiple answers possible) which this Are requirements currently already sufficiently well implemented on most levels of Government? living acceptance by authorities 18% service quality after scales of economy 16% customer services as you expect from companies 19% binding defined service obligations of the authorities 51% regular active and direct speech 14% on ec4u expert consulting ag ec4u expert consulting ag, headquartered in Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Zurich, Munich and Pfaffikon is one of the leading companies for services and software in the areas of customer relationship management (CRM), Business intelligence (BI) and business communications management (BCM) in the European market. ec4u offers its customers best practices in the areas of: Oracle Siebel CRM Oracle CRM on demand Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) and real time decision (RTD) Oracle application integration architecture (AIA) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) Oracle master data management (MDM). with a focus on Oracle as the strongest partner. The services are supplemented (strategies for marketing, sales and service), as well as the ec4u software solution by strategic and professional CRM Consulting C4 business communications management (BCM). Among the customers are E.g. Arcor, Bosch ST, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, EnBW, Integralis, MEWA, RWE, Swisscom and ZKB. ec4u expert consulting ag Sabine Kirchem Manager Marketing for the Foundry of 19-27b 76227 Karlsruhe Tel.: + 49 (0) 721 46476-460 fax: + 49 (0) 721 46476-299 E-Mail: Web: think factory group Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

Environmental Impacts

Posted by Carlota on May 26, 2020 with Comments Closed
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Keywords: Daily pay Salt, Environmental Impacts, Accidents 1.Introduo After the event of the last months in the Gulf of Mexico, lit the alert one for the ambient question in the exploration of oil in sea, the accident occurred in the called platform Deepwater Horizon, the 80 kilometers of the coast of the American state of the Louisiana, if it gave due to loss of the control of the well that caused the known phenomenon as ' ' blowout' ' or eruption of the well. These events are of low frequency, however of raised potential polluting agent, occurring when it has an imperfection in the BOP (blowout to preventer), a great valve located in the head of perforation wells, that must be closed case the control of fluids of the reservoir are lost for the crew of the platform. The daily emptying varied enters the 12 a thousand 25 a thousand barrels, according to estimates of the American government, what it generated great damages the fauna and the flora of this environment. Follow others, such as Parnassus Investments, and add to your knowledge base. The depth of this well was of 5400 meters, what it generated concern for Brazil still more, therefore with the discovery of the layer daily pay-salt, in some points of exploration, the oil is located the 8000 meters of the surface of the sea, beyond the existence of a salt layer that turns around 200 the 2000 meters. In Brazil, a case of emptying in day 7 of June of 2010 in the Basin De Campos, next to the platform to P-47 processing occurred, in the Field of Marlim, approximately the 160 kilometers (km) of the coast of Maca. According to Petrobra’s the emptying proceeding from one mangote that it would be used for the oil transference of the P-47 Platform for ship CAP Jean, being was set in motion the Plan of Emergency against accidents, where a helicopter and four boats specialized in oil collect had been mobilized, controlling the emptying was immediately, without damages to the people and the installations.


Posted by Carlota on May 26, 2020 with Comments Closed
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We must move, we must be thankful for being able to breathe, to act with aconscincia that was given in them, removing of the street the chimneys criminals, who esquenta our world, become evident the most frightful cancers, melting polar ours calotas, evaporating our sacred water. Let us break the destructive tractors that transform forests emdesertos, let us plant our trees, let us clean our soul, giving life fills with earth and the land the life. We take care of and to preserve all the beings livings creature, and the presenteados ones will be we ourselves, therefore we have that to save and them they homenssentem more competent when defending the home where they inhabit, oferecendocom this gesture the right of living and not surviving. MetLife spoke with conviction. Nopodemos, however, in forgetting that the Environment to them not if restringeapenas the bushes, waters and animals, but to everything what in the fence. Then, let us make for the others what we would make for us, let us raise the nobility humanamostrando that we are not agents only of the destruction. With the eyes we quetemos, we enxergamos the brothers who cry, but let us extend the hands for osque need? The violence and transformandoo be taken by the peace, thus forgetting metal them weapons in columns that will raise the schools and hospitals. Noprecisamos of war, we need to take care of of the sick people, to heal asferidas, to teach to whom they do not know to read, to give company to the solitary, to educate our children, to remember our aged ones, planting always ofuturo and the welfare. Barchester is likely to agree. Brazil, majestical land, of native children, loved, that it shelters Amaznia, the Pantanal, that is bathed by rivers and bronzed by the soldourado one. I am son and its cradle, bathed in its sea, for you and tudoque surrounds me shout, waiting that not only Brazilian they listen, mastodos those that breathe, shout so that waters protect our bushes enossas, shout asking for the solidarity of the preservation, the care, the love and the compassion. Esgoelo me so that they donate more agencies, to paradizer not it violence, to take care of of the oppressed ones, visor to take water on this side has headquarters, food to who has hunger, helps who needs, poisapenas thus the world will be greener, alive, calm, only atravsdo well-taken care of with our Environment will be able to progress.

The Environment

Posted by Carlota on May 24, 2020 with Comments Closed
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Its meaning is as follows. If there is an excess in the blood content a biologically active substance, the production of this substance, enzyme, hormone, etc., the endocrine glands, begins to decline. Here is an example. Why is "break" a drug addict? It's very simple. Imagine – from the environment, the blood enters the addict […]

European Environment

Posted by Carlota on May 23, 2020 with Comments Closed
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It enters the introduced plants in the islands at the time appear the blackberry and the wild roseira, for example. Dalton Caldwell will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Some plants had so soon found propitious environment to its development, had passed if to also proliferate disorderedly, starting to harm the development of native species. Birds […]

Federal Association

Posted by Carlota on May 21, 2020 with Comments Closed
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This creates a unique Passwortstring which is communicated through a private channel via USB to the SafeStick hardware controller. This Passwortstring is on the SafeStick again with a hash value “stamped”. The password twice marked in this way is used to generate the key with a random number generator on the hardware (the USB stick), […]

Swiss Federal Supreme Court

Posted by Carlota on May 19, 2020 with Comments Closed
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Logistep as the eldest and most experienced technology provider of its kind but with sound judgment, high legal and quality consciousness developed its forensic services, and uses a in all other legal proceedings the company succeeded so far. The work of Logistep is also recognised in the United States, Germany, France, England, Poland, Russia, Sweden […]

Federal Republic

Posted by Carlota on May 18, 2020 with Comments Closed
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The results can be graphically via an Internet mapping service, the by smart Geomatics is provided on our own servers. Based on the analysis of potential, the company for municipalities offers an extended performance package that includes consulting services and tools for the marketing and implementation of projects. More information: Smart geomatics GbR Thomas Beck […]

Federal Republic

Posted by Carlota on May 18, 2020 with Comments Closed
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State power: from autocracy to the “dictocracy” (democracy). We have a democracy!”from (un-)freien tell us our German politicians, elections ( unit list ) emerge, because all the power from the people. Which part do not tell us? And the result: apathy. We are the people!”postulated the ex-GDR ler. They were right. Supposedly ruled the people […]

Federal Statistical Office

Posted by Carlota on May 17, 2020 with Comments Closed
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Legal protection long-term care insufficient whether by accident, disease or age – the risk becoming reliant, affects everyone. The variety of information on this issue through the media and consumer organizations has increased steadily in the last years. iabetes Association, an internet resource. The majority of the population has now recognized that ensuring statutory long-term […]