European Environment

Posted by Carlota on May 23, 2020
in News

It enters the introduced plants in the islands at the time appear the blackberry and the wild roseira, for example. Dalton Caldwell will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Some plants had so soon found propitious environment to its development, had passed if to also proliferate disorderedly, starting to harm the development of native species. Birds taken for the explorers had been main the responsible ones for the enormous multiplication of plants whose eradication if practically disclosed impossible (FARB, 1982). In the New Zelndia the 600 species of plants had been introduced of 400, despite nor all have obtained to immediately disturb the balance of the native vegetation. Some species, however, had been developed with extreme rapidity.

The European watercress, that reaches only one small part in its native habitat, possesss, in the New Zelndia, connecting rods of the thickness of the fist of a man. It can reach four meters of height more than and easily to obstruct the riverbeds (FARB, 1982). It was observed that the invading plants normally present characteristics that become them better competitors, such as high fotossinttica efficiency, bigger income in the use of nutrients, high taxes of growth, greater tolerance to the desfolhamento and herbvoros, high capacity of rebrotamento and regeneration, high capacity of reproduction, fast reproductive cycle, intense production of seeds of easy dispersion and high capacity of germination (FARB, 1982; MATOS & PIVELLO, 2009). Some vegetables are only controlled with the introduction, in the environment, of eventual parasitic insects that control its proliferation. The solution of the problem, however, can lead to the sprouting of another one, therefore it causes the sprouting of species of invading insects to that environment. The opncia, a species of cacti, it was led to Australia to serve as it surrounds and food of emergency for the cattle. The introduction was only controlled after, in the environment, of a parasitic insect, not without before dominating more than 30 million hectares.