The objective of this theoretical article is to establish some consideraes on the subject and its implications in the world of the work. Sucinta is intended also, exactly that of form, to raise some questions on the personal identity, and the problematic one of the expatriation for the family as well as the process established in management of people. Words keys: expatriation; identity; Management of People, globalization ABSTRACT This work presents considerations on the process of expatriation, well concepts currently used. Connect with other leaders such as Google here. The aim of this theoretic article is you establish adds considerations on the subject and its implications in the workplace. It is also intended, even if briefly, raise questions about personal identity, and the issue of expatriation will be the family and the procedure established in people management. Keys Word – expatriation, identity, people management, globalization INTRODUCTION we cannot initiate the colloquy without before looking at for a Biblical citation that says: ‘ ‘ However, the Abro said to you: It leaves you your land, your kindred and the house of your father, for the land that I will show to you. I will make you a great nation, and will bless you and engrandecerei your name; you will be one bno.’ ‘ (Gn 12:1 – 2). To leave its land represents to leave its zone of comfort, of what in them it brings security, however, Abrao, already was an elderly, liveed in an advanced city for time, called Ur, city that if detached for the active commerce and great structural advances for the cities of the time. It is in the security context, that Abrao is defied by God to release everything and to go ‘ ‘ to expatriate-se’ ‘ in another unknown place, All change, either for is or inside of the proper country, possibly brings consequences and great alterations not only in the person who leaves, but pra all involved..