Local Celebrity

Posted by Carlota on July 17, 2016
in News

Also the tapes of Local Celebrity or the Celebrity Premises will give to currencies and points us of experience like gift with the medals that we obtain. The tape of Crop Whisperer will be obtained as soon as we manage to fertilize the neighboring farms, reason why whatever more neighboring farms we pruned to fertilize better will be, thus we will be able to generate more points. Also, the creative company of this Zynga game is realising updates and changes that will give to new benefits related to our neighbors farmville us. For example, he is chance to send special gifts to neighbors ours that are a part of tricks of friendships of the farm. If you go to the virtual farms of your neighbors you can fijarte in the left of your screen who you will find a box of special gifts called special gifts. When you happen the mouse by above of this button that indeed has the aspect of a package of gift you will see that it has the inscription that it invites to you to send gifts to the friendly yours are needing that it.

When you do click in this small box requests you that you directly send a message to the wall of our contact of Facebook, that will be ready to be sent but not indeed sent still in farmville. Thus, your neighbors will be able to choose anyone of the gifts that they are needing at the moment: one is an ingenious innovation in the game way and that without doubts he will have great acceptance in the community of players of farmville. In order to conclude with the neighbor subject farmville, if you are just beginning in this fantastic world and want to secure a great number of neighbors, you must know how a data very important and that it must be mentioned: it is necessary that so that your friendly can aceptarte as neighboring in the game and you can do the same with them in the virtual farms, first will have to be contacts accepted in Facebook, which surely will affect your own deprived profile of the social network, question which we will see how solve easily next.