MEC Inclusive Education
The Law n 10,436/02 recognizes legal steps the Brazilian Language of Signals Pounds as of communication and expression, determining that institutionalized forms are guaranteed to support its use and diffusion, as well as the inclusion of disciplines of Pounds as integrant part of the resume in the courses of formation of professors and fonoaudiologia. Portaria n 2,678/02 of the MEC approves lines of direction and norms for the use, education, the production and the diffusion of the system Braille in all the education modalities, understanding the project of the Grafia Braille for the Portuguese Language and the recommendation for its use in all the domestic territory. In 2003, the Program is implemented by the MEC Inclusive Education: right to the diversity, with sights to support the transformation of systems of education in inclusive educational systems, promoting an ample process of formation of managers and educators in the Brazilian cities for the guarantee of the right of access of all to the escolarizao, to offer of the specialized educational attendance and to the guarantee of the accessibility. In 2004, the Federal Public prosecution service publishes the document ' ' The Access of Pupils with Deficiency to the Schools and Common Classrooms of the Regular' Net; ' , with the objective to spread the world-wide concepts and lines of direction for the inclusion, being reaffirmed the right and the benefits of the escolarizao of pupils with and without deficiency in the common groups of regular education. Stimulating the educational and social inclusion, the Decree n 5,296/04 regulated Laws n the 10,048/00 and n 10,098/00, establishing norms and criteria for the promotion of the accessibility to the people with deficiency or reduced mobility. In this context, Accessible the Brazil Program, of the Ministry of the Cities, is developed with the objective to promote accessibility urban to support actions that guarantee the universal access to the public spaces.