Special Conditions
Special promotion or special conditions for business start-ups for corporate films. Special promotion or special conditions for business start-ups for corporate films. “With an image film to reach the highest attention for your Unternehmen.Filme on the Internet which generate much attention as a static page in the viewer only” images present the products or services of a company. Therefore, a video on the home page of a Web page produces a much higher retention period for your visitors. At the same time, videos are very well placed by Google. Assuming, of course, equip them with the right keywords. With own videos very often ranked on the front seats in the search engines.
Nothing is as informative and entertaining as a separate image film. So that not only large companies can use this luxury on your Web pages, the picture factory from food has come up with something special for pre-authorized. Who has founded a company has been proven in the last 12 months, gets by the picture factory from October 1, 2011 a special promotion or special conditions for an image film. This means that up to 50% discount on the relevant productions. For a detailed presentation of this topic can be from 1 October Advisory appointments with the picture factory. For more information, see