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Deutsche Bahn

Posted by Carlota on May 31, 2020 with Comments Closed
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Only in terms of the binding defined service obligations, at least half of them believes that the requirements were already sufficiently realized. Barchester might disagree with that approach. But otherwise they exhibit a bad judgment to the authorities in the large majority. So not once every fifth of the respondents politician believes that the citizens in the offices encounter a reasonable acceptance. According to by similar to many citizens can expect also the extent and quality of services, as they normally would expect from companies. It is surprising, why in the eyes of the politicians the service demands on public administration should correspond not to companies”, ec4u Director Mario Pufahl is surprised. After all, the companies would develop methods and solutions through their competition to improve the service quality and customer orientation, which might also benefit authorities.

It is not comprehensible, why are Governments as public service providers to lower He criticized claims to align”. On the contrary, State institutions could learn a lot by the efforts of companies to optimize customer management. How can the money be generally described by citizens and State: the citizen is a customer of the State? a true label 23% no, because the citizens are service recipients of State 9% no, because a customer relationship is a private relationship ahead 41% that makes money is not its 27% (n = 198 Federal & Landtag;) Source: ec4u; May 2010) what to expect of the citizens of the State and its administration? Active acceptance of the authorities 73% service quality after scales of economy 47% customer services as you expect from companies 58% binding defined service requirements of for authorities 84% regular active and direct speech 29% (multiple answers possible) which this Are requirements currently already sufficiently well implemented on most levels of Government? living acceptance by authorities 18% service quality after scales of economy 16% customer services as you expect from companies 19% binding defined service obligations of the authorities 51% regular active and direct speech 14% on ec4u expert consulting ag ec4u expert consulting ag, headquartered in Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Zurich, Munich and Pfaffikon is one of the leading companies for services and software in the areas of customer relationship management (CRM), Business intelligence (BI) and business communications management (BCM) in the European market. ec4u offers its customers best practices in the areas of: Oracle Siebel CRM Oracle CRM on demand Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) and real time decision (RTD) Oracle application integration architecture (AIA) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) Oracle master data management (MDM). with a focus on Oracle as the strongest partner. The services are supplemented (strategies for marketing, sales and service), as well as the ec4u software solution by strategic and professional CRM Consulting C4 business communications management (BCM). Among the customers are E.g. Arcor, Bosch ST, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, EnBW, Integralis, MEWA, RWE, Swisscom and ZKB. ec4u expert consulting ag Sabine Kirchem Manager Marketing for the Foundry of 19-27b 76227 Karlsruhe Tel.: + 49 (0) 721 46476-460 fax: + 49 (0) 721 46476-299 E-Mail: Web: think factory group Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

Federal Republic

Posted by Carlota on May 18, 2020 with Comments Closed
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State power: from autocracy to the “dictocracy” (democracy). We have a democracy!”from (un-)freien tell us our German politicians, elections ( unit list ) emerge, because all the power from the people. Which part do not tell us? And the result: apathy. We are the people!”postulated the ex-GDR ler. They were right. Supposedly ruled the people there with politicians from (UN) free elections ( unit list ) had resulted in disenchantment with politics. And? What is the theory? In practice had taken in both countries the (functional) elite power and formal means their rule over the people separated himself, to their advantage. Also the two (zwangs-) reunified German peoples without jointly elected Constitution and national anthem are unhappy politics again.

Quite the Duden has but in any case: democracy is an indefinite noun. Kurt Tucholsky said in the last century: If elections make a difference would have one long since they banned!” He was wrong! You would have to ban them, because they changed something. The Weimar Republic massively changed the consequences of its past experienced choice. They brought the leader of the German people A.h. (Reichsminister) with approximately 36% of the power.

The new Federal Republic changed the election laws so that this never happened to us. As far as alright! But then something went wrong, or? In my 15 articles about power and without power as cybernetic everyday process. (Part 1 on the topic) employed I myself already with the Ohn-power. The described there part the personalities and methods of exercising power: I supplement here to the in-formal power: power of natural sympathy, empathy and charisma. (Moral) Formal power: Granted temporary stamp- makes, such as through elections. (Standards) and the A-symmetry of power: who has the power to determine the rules! The 10% elite of a company exercise their informal dominance with their formal dominance over the 90% expanding dimensions and their sub dominance.

Dear Woman German Chancellor Angela Merkel,

Posted by Carlota on August 2, 2015 with Comments Closed
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Open letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Dear woman German Chancellor Angela Merkel, we live in the Spandau and with us, the lights are cut more and more. If you your? small Spandau? should visit once again, cause you but please, that emergency lighting is maintained. Recently, our Club had started an action in […]