The Anvil

Posted by Carlota on June 24, 2020
in News
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If you can not buy – do it yourself. Board table tops – at least 3 inches, it's better – 5. Surface that would have been better upholstered steel sheet, at least a millimeter thick. But that you could move it myself from the place – you sometimes between the bench and the wall will have something useful to fall. If space allows – to put it up so that we could all sides around. It should be easy for you, that is, him should be comfortable to stand (that would whittle planers or mark something) and sitting (that would be something minor tinkering).

Lighting. Bench should be well lit. (Not to be confused with Prudential!). Afternoon light should give the window – but better to the east and north, because in summer you can not sit in the sun, and direct sunlight is the best option for the job. And the morning sun on a couple of hours in summer and winter will be good. At night, ambient light, reading lamp and carrying – all needed. Location. There will be noisy, there will be a vibration (like a hammer on the anvil will begin to peel or cut piece of metal grinder – so soon and will you have vibration:).

Well ruzhishko experience where you, as not a favorite workshop? OTOH there. Therefore, the workshop should not be in the attic: gudezh will be around the house. You'll be there from time to time tinkering anything at night. Insomnia will visit you, just imagine. And, if you have at dedication middle of the night suddenly shmyaknetsya oxygen cylinder – do not let that be a disaster for family life;). That's why it's better that would shop was a separate building, part of the garage or at least an annex to the house – but not in the house.