The Frogs Laboratory
According to the Horacio clandestine laboratory of Lucca (Italy), 9285% of the animals who are hired by small local ETTs for studies on the healing of schizophrenia are not bothered or abused in any way. It has been known, thanks to an oriondo of the small town of Tuscany, that frogs from the adjacent rivers have it a little more raw regarding other species which have vacations and Christmas paid (for what that at Christmas Santa Claus needs lot of cheap manpower and will not recruit children for that image). The frogs of Lucca (Toscany) have met to delve deeper into the problem laboral(si es que realmente tienen alguno) that stalks them and have stated the following: our Association for rights to worthy and valid contracts before the law of Amnesty International, is fighting to ensure the older surrounding laboratory frogs, mode of exit as it proves that any moderately solvent human intellectually surpass the challenges that life itself and his mind mediocre and short little glimpse the light at the end of the tunnel. The frogs with more experience in different laboratories are in agreement on something: we cannot support the fact that lose amphibious lives in exchange for more humor and consciousness of the human species but are not going to allow what losing life so do creams with our cells and babas and go into those same human who need a good therapy in a psychiatric centre renowned. As you can see, the frogs from Lucca also have dignity when choosing how to die and ways, and especially put conditions to make the slime are removed from their mouths when they have died, and not when they sleep!. Original author and source of the article..