The State

Posted by Carlota on June 2, 2020
in News

of a people. The State costuma to be defined as the totality of the authority politics in one given to society human being. some elements, considerably, keys functionally define institucional and the notion of State. First, the State is a set of busy institutions for the staff proper of the device of the State or the call responsible bureaucracy for the law and the order. The State, of certain form, inside monopolizes the creation of rules of its territory. This takes to the creation of a culture common politics shared by all the citizens.

Gramsci already at the beginning alerted of century XX that the education as part of the State became in deep a process of formation destined to the social conformismo. In its analysis, the schools, the churches are seen as the biggest cultural organizations of each country, hegemony producers as process where the ruling classes exert the governabilidade when establishing the control on the dominated classrooms that are on they by means of the moral and intellectual leadership. It knows that the groups that control the State in Brazil are not part of the popular classrooms. They are tied, before, to the classroom richest. the classroom richest, in a capitalist country, corresponds to the great capitalist groups: banks, industries and agriculture. They are capitalist accurately because they value one economic policy that if return primordially for the increase of the profits, believing that a society that takes care of well of ' ' sade' ' of its capitals, necessarily, it will be a rich and developed society. This is the key of the ideology of liberalism, subject this that will be told in the next unit: ' ' liberdade' ' proclaimed for this ideology and ' ' liberdade' ' granted in favor of the growth of the capitals, that is, they defend that favoring the great groups that control this production, as the bankers, the great industrials and agricultural entrepreneurs, all the society alone has to earn.