The Wonder Of The 80s Fashion Is Back In Europe – Spandex

Posted by Carlota on April 21, 2019
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Spandex has reinvented again once! What was out yesterday, today is trend. Spandex, Lycra or spandex, elastic fabric fiber was a groundbreaking invention and has revolutionized the fit of clothing. In the 1980s, women of the world have like wrapped in the soft elastic yarn. Colorful shiny leggings to flashy perm and skin-tight Lycra tops stressed the figure. At the end of the 1980s it looked so, spandex would finally disappeared from the street scene.

In the Neunzuiger years found the shiny fabric only at Ballet Leotards, vaulting suits and gym suits. Spandex was still publicly present almost exclusively in these kinds of sports. In the cinema, on the other hand, spandex celebrated numerous revivals with films like Batman. Catwoman coined the term Catsuit. Castuits were made of mainly Lycra and enjoyed on the big screen of always popular.

In this country, the material public but only to the Carnival was to see. Finally, Lycra is found only in the scene of some less lovers again. The trend to the so-called Zentai Catsuit came from Japan. Zentai is a Catsuit which envelops the entire body tight and can consist of different colors. Such suits are very popular in the fetish scene, used but more and more also in other circles. Especially when the blue screen technique enjoy Zentai suits of growing in popularity. A Zentai in the same colour as the background makes the actor virtually invisible to the camera. The Zentai Catsuits are also popular for developers of computer games. So be Gankorperanzuge Lycra in the motion capturing process with bluescreen technology especially like employed. Now, for about a year, spandex belongs again to the everyday street scene. Leggings have reinvented in strident colors and shape the Centre of any city in Europe. Spandex as far as the eye can see. And the fabric fiber has its quiet revival especially in the Internet. At the big online auction houses leggings are sold en-masse, and in addition, also the scene of the lovers has further developed. Zentai Catsuits are sold now no longer exclusively to fetishists. The trend of so-called cosplay”has made it possible. Here, too, the movement comes from Japan. People finen to so-called cosplay conventions together and dress up as your Lieblingssuprhelden. What seemed to be only a Japanese quirk has developed long ago U.S. trend. For just such costumes, Catsuits Lycra is suitable as a basis for or represent at all the entire costume. What is early which would have dared to believe none nineties now, almost 20 years later reality: Spandex, is back and will be purchased en masse. Some online shops have even completely specializes in products made of Lycra. So, for example, the German merchant offers only products (such as leggings, Catsuits and Zentai) Lycra. We will see how long the trend will last, and what comes next.