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Leisure Centers

Posted by Carlota on November 23, 2019 with Comments Closed
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It must therefore be sought ways and means for children to play fully and satisfactorily. The Toy Library, therefore, should be a reality in Vigo, where hundreds of children come every evening to play in them and where to develop educational and civic work through the game itself, toys and space, as child development is directly linked to the game. Playing is fun, investigate, grow, discover themselves, to observe and develop physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. The pace of modern life and the danger of our cities is not conducive to natural and spontaneous way which children can play like at other times by forests, meadows or parks. For the game can develop fully the child is in need of playmates, breaking the isolation characteristic of large cities. It also needs sufficient space and suitable housing that the poor do not offer. Thus, the Toy Library and Leisure Centers offer gaming opportunities, relationships, security and appropriate human and material resources.

The family have no direct possibilities to create space and play, but parents are asked responsibility for the education of their children, but without offering opportunities for guidance and training in this task. The solution seems to solve with greater assurances the problems described are the Toy Library and Leisure Center. The Toy Libraries are places where the child can get toys on loan and where they can play directly through the toy and with the possibility of using a facilitator, giving children both the guidance material elements and companies that required for the game. And the Toy Library is understood as a leisure center where you perform a global animation with children attending and where it begins process of attitudinal change in parents and educators. The Toy Library is an alternative that we offer children floor or children of the street.

These centers have the potential to influence the habits and norms of the kids such coexistence, order, health, respect, verbal expression, physical and sensory motor and manipulative skills. It is necessary above all, promote the Toy Library where the child population has a higher socio-familial problems to compensate for poor families. Rests primarily with the municipalities to create the Toy Library, as the Administration closer to the population. With financial and technical support would be created specific conditions for the Toy Library has educational and social profitability, which is desirable that the municipalities carry out agreements with groups and organizations in the world of the child.

Max Horkeimer

Posted by Carlota on November 7, 2019 with Comments Closed
in News

Something from World War II and maybe a little before it has sold planning as a theoretical possibility, but increasingly is more a fact possible and necessary. Admit a new plane of national spaces does not imply anything within an economic process of globalization. It is something insignificant, but it becomes a tragedy because the flags and the States will idolize. Abstract concepts that are, along with religion, become sources of wars and conflicts everywhere. Stage of history and social mentality that needs to be overcome, since such structures policies, cultural and social have stopped having importance, although we may seem otherwise by an inertia when it comes to thinking about these issues. Max Horkeimer, in his society in transition: studies in social philosophy, considered, already in 1962, that status meant a progress in its current formation during the s. XVIII, but showed his backside in the 19th and 20th centuries.

This author asserts: the concept of nation has become an Idol; the nation has illuminated the development of the great revolutions and wars and has taken over the Earth. The rivalry between the Nations became until the end of World War II in the driving power of history. This political reality defines globalization and generates it contradictions, what view to generate conflicts of interest affecting the economy and social progress. While already anachronistic historical problems stagnate and ideologies that take refuge from entering decomposition it will be very difficult to move forward in the construction of reality. What to pretend in nationalist conflicts is to adjust a historical to the future situation, because through the construction of Europe takes place a change of course in the story that allows him to do. It’s make aware this process, defining it, discuss him and pronounce with the weapons of democracy, which in addition to compliance with the law, is the referendum.