Front Work

Posted by Carlota on December 17, 2019
in News
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Pay attention to the cut tubes: what is the quality of the metal itself? Pipe wall along its entire thickness from the front to the reverse side shall be uniformly fine-grained, dense, homogeneous. In addition, check the tube by tapping: the sound should be smooth and hollow, and in places where the audio tone changes, likely internal defect. Here the situation – as with a sick tooth decay process which may take place under the outwardly prosperous look. To detect this kind of damage and used tapping. Acquired iron pipe must be protected against corrosion, or continuous operation, it does not serve you for a long time. One way to protect against corrosion is to coat the outer surface of the pipe asphalt made from petroleum. Of course, you can apply it themselves, having the right experience and materials.

Next you need to remind you how important it is correct, cast-iron pipe connections between structures. You must have a high quality, oakum, made from hemp fibers and of sufficient length. Tow should be free from all sorts of impurities, does not contain wood. Tow the timber can not properly perform its insulating function, resulting in a tube soon begins to seep into the joints. The consequences are well known: wet ceilings or rotten floors. Strictly speaking, we would not recommend that you carry out assembly of cast-iron pipe for its lack of housing in specialist. The highest priority in our environment is still holding this type of work a competent master, looking for work where you can learn a lot.