The Soil
I promise to see little television. I promise to read more books. I promise to read more periodical. I promise to play more in the yard, and to roll for the soil. I promise to step on more in the soil, bare-footed. I promise to wait more my time.
I promise to see better films. I promise to like me more than, as I am. I promise to learn the autoaceitao. I promise to try to walk less in the contrahand or to swim against the tide, therefore already I am family father! I promise that I go to finally finish to construct my house. I promise that I go to buy an car for my wife.
I promise to change to all the furniture. We go to the work! I promise to love more. I promise to smile more. I promise to see more the sun to be born (it is that I have seen always more the put-do-sun). I promise to make more what I want to make. I promise to accept more the people as they are. I promise to complicate little, mainly for my pupils. I promise to work more. I promise to import little with small problems. I promise to love more. I promise to try to accept the life as it is. I promise to continue moving of opinion, in this continuous metamorphosis that is the life. I promise to release more the vices, and to look more God. I promise to meditar more, to more communicate me with God and mine interior. I promise to be more honest. I promise to smile morning more than and not to leave the room so disarranged. I promise to continue liking coffee, chocolate and samba. ' ' My hope is a sun that shines plus This sun will illuminate our steps ' ' I promise not to be counting in such a way on the luck.