The Tree
And she spoke many things to them by parabolas, saying: I have here, the sowing machine left to seed. And while it seeded, part of the seed fell next to the way; and the birds came they ate and it. Part fell in pedregales, where there was not much earth; and it appeared soon, because it did not have Earth depth; but left the sun, it was burned; and because it did not have root, it was dried. Part fell between hawthorns; and the hawthorns grew, they drowned and it. But part fell in good earth, and bore fruit, what to one hundred, what to sixty, and what to thirty by one. The one that has ears to hear, hears. Mateo 13: 1 9 It is the then love the nexus between God and the men and are the fruits of that love those that are due to harvest in the deal with our resemblances, is the first order of the law of God to his children.
and there am an interpreter of the law one rose and it said here, to try to him: Teacher, doing what thing I will inherit the eternal life? It said to him: that it is written in the law? How you read? That one, responding, said: You will love the Gentleman your God yet your heart, and with all your soul, and all forces, and all your mind; and to your fellow like a same you. And it said to him: You have responded well; you do this, and you will live. Lucas 10:25 28 I began east story, speaking on the fruit of the tree of the science of the good and the evil, and the constant opposition that the man in this world would find to which they have called: proof world, soon I have extended in commenting on our relation with God.