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Society Paper

Posted by Carlota on May 26, 2012 with Comments Closed
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It appears, in other words, the chance of that the Brazilian school assumes a role politician, and not more only pedagogical, making possible that the citizen, the pupil, future, it acts efficiently in the society, as in they say ATTA and PORTELA to them (2005, P. 49): The abilities that currently are demanded of the citizens such as bigger capacity of abstraction and reasoning, greater capacity to take decisions, to work in teams, to assimilate changes, to act of creative form, to exert autonomy, to practise solidarity, to receive and to respect the differences cannot be improvised, but be constructed through a systematic, long, continuous and carried through process in proper time. The democratic management in the school is the appropriate space for the sprouting of this citizen, for its work of instruction based on social ideals, which hold the cited abilities. It consists of a way of professionals not only compromised to the social paper of the school, but also of citizens in formation process who are being guided and formed according to these ideals. The professional of the Education, more particularly the manager, must be duly prepared to have it to form citizens in this perspective, the perspective of that its paper encloses an ethical dimension and of commitment with the social principle of the Education.

He is therefore that, in this direction: … ' ' so that the professionals of the Education can exert with autonomy and conscience its paper in the society, she recognizes it importance of if recouping gnese of the current conditions of its proper professional formation, the history of the school as social institution, as well as the way for which they had been themselves configuring the conceptions that permeiam practical pedagogical the effective ones in escolas.' ' (ATTA; PORTELLA, 2005, P. 51) That is, more than a conception of the way to be followed in its profession and the propitious space for this performance, so that the education walks next to the social inclusion, this professional must have the clarity of the importance of the routes that is following in practical its, which must to be analyzed, previously, in its historical and philosophical aspects, for, later, assuming adequately its functions techniques.