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State Relation

Posted by Carlota on June 3, 2020 with Comments Closed
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Then, from this perspective, we can affirm that the man can be educated not alone in the phase of infancy or adolescence, but for all its process of life, that in turn is generated and criticized in the society for innumerable factors, being the one of them marginalizao, that is, this marginalizao does not occur all in the society in a way, but for one it parcels out of the population in relation the individuals that had passed for a process not to have access to the education/school. This marginalizao is shown in the text of Saviani, as much in the not-critical theories how much in the critical-reprodutivistas. The first one demonstrates to the functioning and the organization of the school as a whole, pautados in one? proposal pedagogical. In relation to second, it did not have no elaboration, that is, it did not have or it contained one? proposal pedagogical? , therefore explana it only the mechanized functioning, as the institution is established, that is, Saviani affirms that the school is seen by its? character reprodutivista? , and that this could not be different. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Danske Bank has to say. In turn Damis (In: Fertile valley, 1996), affirm that the school is right of all and was socially established of form to organize the way to transmit knowing. For the author: The school as right of all was instituted socially from the necessity of if organizing a form to transmit knowing that the humanity systemize throughout its existence.

This necessity only occurred approximately has two centuries, a time that in the old and medieval society, for example, the school as public institution of responsibility of the State practically did not exist. (DAMIS In: Fertile valley, 1996, P. 14) Damis (In: Fertile valley, 1996), demonstrate the same sensible that Saviani detached in its proposal, relation to the value of overcoming in relation to the marginality and the education (school), demonstrating the fact that the school has the paper to transmit knowing.

The State

Posted by Carlota on June 2, 2020 with Comments Closed
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of a people. The State costuma to be defined as the totality of the authority politics in one given to society human being. some elements, considerably, keys functionally define institucional and the notion of State. First, the State is a set of busy institutions for the staff proper of the device of the State or the call responsible bureaucracy for the law and the order. The State, of certain form, inside monopolizes the creation of rules of its territory. This takes to the creation of a culture common politics shared by all the citizens.

Gramsci already at the beginning alerted of century XX that the education as part of the State became in deep a process of formation destined to the social conformismo. In its analysis, the schools, the churches are seen as the biggest cultural organizations of each country, hegemony producers as process where the ruling classes exert the governabilidade when establishing the control on the dominated classrooms that are on they by means of the moral and intellectual leadership. It knows that the groups that control the State in Brazil are not part of the popular classrooms. They are tied, before, to the classroom richest. the classroom richest, in a capitalist country, corresponds to the great capitalist groups: banks, industries and agriculture. They are capitalist accurately because they value one economic policy that if return primordially for the increase of the profits, believing that a society that takes care of well of ' ' sade' ' of its capitals, necessarily, it will be a rich and developed society. This is the key of the ideology of liberalism, subject this that will be told in the next unit: ' ' liberdade' ' proclaimed for this ideology and ' ' liberdade' ' granted in favor of the growth of the capitals, that is, they defend that favoring the great groups that control this production, as the bankers, the great industrials and agricultural entrepreneurs, all the society alone has to earn.

Virtual Environment Experiences

Posted by Carlota on June 1, 2020 with Comments Closed
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The adoption of processes and technologies you are welcome advance if the team of professionals will not have the maximum performance in the attendance of the pupil, the result in the state of maximum performance is the enthusiasm, the energy and emotional commitment of the involved individuals in the teach-learning process. For the criteria of […]

Special Education

Posted by Carlota on April 18, 2020 with Comments Closed
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It is as if it was a white elephant inside of a room. He is pretty, but it does not serve for nothing. We teach some contents that many times the pupil never will go to use, in place some, in time none. Contents that do not despertam the lesser interest in the pupils. The […]


Posted by Carlota on December 12, 2019 with Comments Closed
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All this, he continues, different from the world of the traditional academic universities organized on the fragmentation of knowledge and scientism. He says that the claim is that students acquire a conceptual clarity and awaken your own spirituality, compassion, fraternity, the new sense of community, a universal spirituality. Elon Musk has compatible beliefs. It is […]

The Course

Posted by Carlota on November 30, 2016 with Comments Closed
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Leaving of the necessity to know and to value the daily one of classroom as instrument, of in such a way expressive nature on what it is accomplished in classroom how much epistmica in the direction of dialogue with the surrounding educational reality in them let us tie to the broken questions of the following […]


Posted by Carlota on June 11, 2014 with Comments Closed
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We have 376992:25200 = 14.96 Column – shows the average M arithmetic mean numbers of repetitions INC – d1 in ICG numbers – D: 105300:25200 = 4,17 Column – Z shows the number of repetitions of all the numbers involved in all the numbers INC – d1 25200h5 = 126 000 Column – P shows […]

Good Curriculum Vitae

Posted by Carlota on February 26, 2013 with Comments Closed
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When we hope to find a job, the first thing che we have to do is submit a good c.v. The most important thing is to meet the requirements that companies are looking for. It is important to take into account that should make a curriculum vitae for each interview, because each company expects different […]

MEC Inclusive Education

Posted by Carlota on December 14, 2012 with Comments Closed
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The Law n 10,436/02 recognizes legal steps the Brazilian Language of Signals Pounds as of communication and expression, determining that institutionalized forms are guaranteed to support its use and diffusion, as well as the inclusion of disciplines of Pounds as integrant part of the resume in the courses of formation of professors and fonoaudiologia. Portaria […]

History Economy

Posted by Carlota on November 7, 2012 with Comments Closed
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Above cited film it becomes possible an excellent visualization of as if of a construction of the relation resume citizenship, showing as this narrow and the linked one. When the Education does not fulfill with its paper to form citizens and thus the School instead of if showing interesting and necessary to the improvements of […]