The Other
-Because you have needs and problems that you cannot solve or with listening active or ignoring them. It is necessary to take an active part, ensure that your problems are resolved and needs are met. -Because messages I promote or facilitate the provision to change in our interlecutor to not damage the relationship-because you become a competent model – be positive and recompensante:e the ability to encourage and animate. Encouraging and showing positive results we get that people repeat behaviors that have given rise to that response. why and for what?:-turns you into a meaningful and trustworthy person. -Influyes instead of another / to and reduces resistance. -You become a way to imitate. -You rise your self-esteem and others.
-Because you contrarrestas the tendency to focus on negative aspects and put highlight their strong points.-increase your motivation for change. How?: – managing something rewarding once a desired behavior has occurred-the most economical resource is the recognition, honest praise. When?:-when we want to develop habits and customs. -When we wish to inform and guide us / to partner/about the things that we like their behaviour. -When wanting to generate positive emotions. -When wanting to create a climate favourable to negotiation and change. -Say no: say ‘NO’, can be enormously difficult.
There are many and very varied reasons why it is so complicated. Some people simply like pleasing others and they think that saying ‘NO’ would be an untimely response. Others are afraid of the aggressive reaction to the ‘NO’ could cause. On the other hand, some people do not stop to think or are realistic about what they are able to meet. Whatever the reason, many people say ‘NO’ it is impossible. If the first reaction of someone is ‘NO’, i.e. important stop to think why you want to say ‘NO’. If you think it is the appropriate response, should seek the formula say it as directly as possible, without giving excuses or riding with rodeos, or offer explanations endless.
Pablo Samaniego
I am not referring to specific companies, I refer to the economic system, as a system. And now, we begin to realize that the economy depends on the environment and the environment is deteriorating faster What we can restore any form of balance. We don’t seem to have another option to learn the lesson, most of humanity will sink with these obsolete systems: political system, economic system e, inclusively, the religious system, especially of the monotheistic religions. We are about to explode, simply, because it is becoming unsustainable human behavior. And the worst thing is that we are so immersed in this economic, social and political relationship that there seems no way out. It would seem that there has never been another way of living. But, it is not true, it’s just the way we have known, but that also means that it is the only or the best option, worse after seeing the effects. What is what has moved to modern humanity? That’s the question that needs to be done behind each system to find a series of responses that can probably be summarized in very concrete things.
A couple of days ago I was invited to give a talk on various topics and theme that humans really aren’t everything we encounter the Intelligent that we consider ourselves. A person jumped when I suggested that a bacterium seems to be smarter than us because he has been able to survive all kinds of disasters for millions of years. Clear, may not have the ability to reason that human beings, have but what point have reasoning if we do do to destroy us and destroy what surrounds us? Consider it better, especially because in reacting to a comparative comment of defensive form, it will be because it hits the human ego and the idea that we have of how important we are. Intelligences are unmatched, but as a metaphor I think that it applies pretty well to shake a little awareness. And, what can I do? There is much that can be done, for starters, inquire about what is good for nature and our relationship with it. Think that it is time to not let us govern by the impulses of the ego and start working together for the common welfare, not just the individual. There are actually many things that can be done, but that much it implies leaving the comfort, let laziness, let the habit because all you need to do things to improve implies changes. Aware Governments should subsidize the use of renewable energy and just today told me that Germany is determined to go down that road.
In this case, they should promote the use of free energy. But that should not be the majority, not only because they are no longer receiving income, but because they begin to lose power because people will become more self-sufficient. That should not be the political or religious. The economy you need do is transformed into something that serves everyone equally. Be a means, not an end. Really, you must create new paradigms. If there are people who are moving with options such as open source or open source, but still don’t charge enough force to make an impact globally. Needs more people willing to change habits and that can align priorities in one direction to which benefits to the Planet.What you’re willing @ do? Recently I did an interview with the Ec. Pablo Samaniego on a vision of the economy relate to the environment. Here you can see it: original author and source of the article
The Year
In particular they will seek advice about correct planting or placement of lawn breads, and which are the varieties or more suitable species according to the space to be landscaped, and to its intended use, your exposure to the Sun or in the shade, among other factors, the entrepreneur shall be instructed and trained to perform a correct and efficient adviceallowing you to earn increasingly more customers by direct recommendation. The advice should include some items important to provide a good service: choice of the species or seed suitable according to the type of soil, and exposure to the Sun. Season of the year according to the variety, or species. Correct leveling of the soil and the soil type. Buenmanipuleo and placement of breads of grass. Adequate system of irrigation, seasonal replanting, periodic desmalezamientos, levels of support and resistance to trampling according to the chosen variety, proper implementation and periodicity of the grass cuttings. Some of the species and varieties of natural grass: bermuda, tifway 419, gramillon, Brazilian grass, or Brazilian grass, tiften, dichondra, tif eagle, among others. The entrepreneur can count with mobile themselves for the relocation of the breads and the seeds, or outsource transportation, the important thing is to carry out a proper and more scarce possible manipulation of grass for their correct preservation breads, which will allow a product or end of excellence work to achieve a park, Garden, stadium or sports field, with a pleasant and functional carpet of lawn. It examines your profile, your market, and possibilities, to know if this may be your next venture’s success. Original author and source of the article
The Tree
And she spoke many things to them by parabolas, saying: I have here, the sowing machine left to seed. And while it seeded, part of the seed fell next to the way; and the birds came they ate and it. Part fell in pedregales, where there was not much earth; and it appeared soon, because […]
Job Hunting Tips
Information supplied by 'thematic groups' (eg, leadership quality / management positions, organizational skills, professional achievements) that is directly relevant to the job you want, dates are usually excluded to highlight your experience, not sequence of events. Recommend using this type of resume if: you have little to say about a previous job, and you are […]
Samuel Akinin Levy
If my words don’t sound like you want if my singing did not reach you enchant allows is my heart which speak well that Yes loves, at all, in truth Samuel Akinin Levy let you speak to the heart saddens my soul know you doubt my feelings and my truth. When a man like me […]