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Homage Report

Posted by Carlota on August 17, 2012 with Comments Closed
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A SOURCE the source of the city with the name Source Lobato Hunter, in homage to a great writer of Brazilian literature. This space in middle of 1950 was only one eye d? water that was very used for bath of the inhabitants of the city, since the water that has left was sulforosa, being this rich one in minerals, beyond its hot temperature, until 35 C. This source was discovered when they looked oil in the place. Today of in such a way obstructing and removing impediments the water exit, everything was lost, having only one dry source in the place. A EDGE In this walked we learn that the edge of the city already was divided in two squares, one if it called Square Wilson Andrade Uchoa, who at the time took this name in homage to the one known goldwasher, and another part of the edge was rank the name of ' ' Cacau' ' in homage to a violeiro celebrity of the time, being that in this place it has a violeiro that when was made it was in front of ' ' Bar&#039 sounding lead; ' , moving bar of the time.

A TENT OF the Um SAINT of monuments most interesting of the city, exactly, because of the legend of its construction. They say that it was constructed a goldwasher after to be shipwrecked a gold boat in the river Tapajs, after the shipwreck it made a promise, that if it recouped the lost gold it would construct a tent in that place for the padroeira saint of the city, thus, when obtaining to find the gold, it to constructed as promise. It is clearly, that this is an urban legend of the region, the construction was made by Silvio Macedo, when mayor of the city, and its objective one was that there cultural events were carried through, as much that its true name is Pavilion of cultural events Edvaldo de Paiva Macedo, in homage to its deceased brother.

Simple Strategies

Posted by Carlota on August 2, 2012 with Comments Closed
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The social phobia is something very frequent at present. In the world very many people exist suffer who it and are anxious to find the way to solve this problem. In order to surpass the social phobia you need to have more confidence in same you. Perhaps your lack of confidence or timidity comes motivated by problems that you had in the childhood or adolescence and manifest from pronounced form more in your adult stage. But luckyly for this kind of problems remedies exist. To consider to cure the social phobia is something that you must consider you suffer if it, because if not it beams, very hard become an obstacle for your personal development and relation with the other people. So we are going to begin to try to eradicate the social phobia, you can begin with these three advice. You must go out and know more people.

It is the first step if you want to be able to surpass the social phobia. It sees sites where it is frequented by enough people, rodeate of them. It can be a bar, some local celebration, to char them colloquy, etc. You do not think about anything or you are scared than you can be found when you go. Rodeate of people who are accustomed to socialize. It is a good form to begin to surpass the social fobial, seeing as others act. With this you will secure two things, first he is empaparte of how other people make to be related and second she comes from the hand of first since you are going to be able with this to have more confidence in same you.

It uses your imagination. With this I talk about, if you must go to a meeting or celebration, before imagines the night for example vindote in situation. It takes advantage of the mind and visualizate as if you were a person with confidence in same you and speaking with the others of pleasant way, you have the control. The fact to imagine a pleasant situation for you, is a very powerful resource to confront of positive way the future social meeting which you must attend. It remembers that all the people we must speak with other people are or not known. To socialize is something fundamental to live, thinks about the benefits that report to you. You secure one more a more pleasant and interesting life. To surpass the social phobia releases to you of that state of anguish that you suffer constantly.