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Posted by Carlota on August 31, 2018 with Comments Closed
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Although this, did not get success in the scope of the central bureaucratic administration, making possible coexistence of islands of efficiency and ability in the indirect administration and of nuclei of direct inefficiency in or the central one. In the decade of 70, with the creation of the Secretariat of Modernizao (SEMOR), and at the beginning of years 80, with the creation of the National Program of Desburocratizao (PrND), reforms of the bureaucracy had been assayed the point to guide it na direction of the managemental public administration, by means of the agilizao of the state organizations, the decentralization of the authority, the improvement and simplification of the administrative proceedings and the promotion of the efficiency. With the redemocratizao, in middle of the years 80, all these efforts guided for the modernization of the bureaucratic administration had been left of side and the considered parties victorious had carried through new populist politics of distribution of public offices. In 1988, the Constituent National Assembly, aiming at to restrain the proliferation of such practical, it promoted a great engessamento of the state device for intermediary of the new Federal Constitution. From 1994 it only is that the speech of administrative reform assumes new dimension and introduces the perspective of organizacional and cultural change of the public administration in the managemental direction. 1.3? Managemental Public administration the former-minister of the Administration Federal and the Reformation of the State during period 1995/1998, Luiz Carlos Bresser Pear tree (1998) tells that the Managemental Public Administration appeared in the second half of century XX as a reaction to the magnifying of the economic and social functions of the State and to the technological development and the globalization of the world-wide economy. The reform of the state device passed to be guided by the values of the efficiency and quality in the public rendering of services and by the sprouting of a managemental culture in the organizations. .

Public Administration

Posted by Carlota on August 30, 2018 with Comments Closed
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The efficiency is the biggest requirement with respect to public administration, therefore to give accounts, to rationalize the procedures, to have clear goals and pointers is, at least, to direct works in a present situation preparing the future ways. Beyond the quality in the gestopblica, the transparency is essential. Also, it must take in consideration the principles constitutional of the legality, the impessoalidade, the morality, the advertising and the efficiency. As much the direct administration how much the indirect one must search functional and operational the excellency as the great objective to be reached in its diverse spheres. It is clearly and evident that many public managers do not know of the autonomy whom they possess to solve internal and excellent questions for its organizacional group. I believe it belongs that it public must be managed in serious way, objective, clear, transparent. For this, the collective one is the part basic key and for an efficient public administration.

Is Obama For Real?

Posted by Carlota on August 30, 2018 with Comments Closed
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The definition brings to correlate the appearance material and social economy. Talk of the market, to differentiate themselves from state intervention and domination that was with the Nazi government, and social calls not to call it “socialist”, taking into account the fewer resources, are distinct from the socialist state that feels entitled to manage or intervene in the economy. Originally the German government’s only role was to regulate competition and avoid monopolies and oligopolies. Over time, the name “social” began to take their own life and became a support system, too expensive, was to subsidize services and assist companies at the expense of taxpayers. Exited Erhard concept of becoming an instrument of preservation of the firms, instead of a tool that generates renewal.

Helmut Kohl sought to reduce state intervention in the private economy, and when I was making was unification, keeping the state out to help their impoverished countrymen in East Germany by communism. Due to the internal contradiction of his philosophy that seeks to combine the virtues of the market with social security – and had deviated from its original course maintaining a state of solidarity that comes to tax cost half their salary for every citizen – the social market economy is strongly challenged by the Germans. “A new stimulus package and the economy in decline, will cause a record budget deficit in 2009, estimated at 50,000 million (67,000 million dollars), said Volker Kauder, parliamentary leader of the party of Angela Merkel. Obama on his estate asked to inject more money to the battered and reduce conflicts that would shake his popularity and enigmatic future government. To save us all, is unlikely to try to cut other budgets, including defense, as did the Europeans. That would be a terrible mistake.

But whatever you do, the crisis is not going to solve all at once. The Great Depression lasted 10 years, recently concluded in 1939 with the Second World War, because the interventionist policy of the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt was a resounding failure. The Obama’s are similar. United States rallied to the war, because the massive recruitment made the country to stay with a reduced workforce and there was occupation for all. The situation today is a thousand times worse than 1929, and the adverse economic conditions are the fuel of radicalism. The crisis of the twentieth century meant that Hitler was elected chancellor, and the current was that Obama is voted president. Is Obama a populist pretensions of grandeur?


Posted by Carlota on August 24, 2018 with Comments Closed
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Earn online is not only a trifle to pay for mobile communications, and real money, allowing dignity to exist, it is not a myth and not advertising promises of working on affiliate links, internet users – it is reality! Of course, affiliate links also provide you with, but only a minimum income. We’re talking about […]