The Time
Today, exist the Churches, but, which of them remain fidiciary offices to true evangelho of Jesus? Which of them are not deviated to others gentlemen forgetting itself what Jesus recommended in them? Love will exist true as that one that joined the disciples in the walked one with Jesus? Who hugs in the church feels them this love or is only closed a social one? Pablo said in them to redeem the time. Tiago advised in them to pray seguidamente. Jesus taught in them not to accumulate treasures on the land (TM 6:19 – 20) traces where it and the rust corrodes and where thieves excavate and steal; but you gather for you other treasures in the sky, where race nor rust corrodes, and where thieves do not excavate, nor they steal, because where it is your treasure, it will be also your heart there. its time, as is being used? It will be that in the last day of the year you collect yourself you stop in conjunct, to thank to the God for all the blessings, releases, cures and chances that you received from God or will be together the multitudes, eating, drinking, seeing the fogos of artifices? You already stopped to think about how many children you are with hunger and if drugging in the cities? That the money expenses with these fogos, the carnival and as much others events could be canalized for the health of these children? They weigh with me: I and you are few to decide the life of one alone of these children. But, a Church represents a force very strong spiritual, because the conjunct has to be able and the tenths donated (action) for each member certainly could help in the maintenance of a recovery center, of shelter to these minors. How many churches exist in a city? what we make if not to accumulate good and wealth, each one thinking about its welfare, its bed quentinha and for goes there.