Clayton Sort

Posted by Carlota on November 13, 2018
in News

Panicum sort the grassy ones are classified in two categories how much its ambient adaptation and fotossinttica efficiency, tempering species (C3 plants) and tropical (C4 plants). Normally, the tempered forrageiras species present quality, definite better in terms of digestibilidade, consumption and text of protein (Moreira et al. 2006). The sort Panicum L. is one of the more important greaters and of the Poaceae family.

In accordance with the previously accepted circumscription for the sort, 470 species had been recognized for the same for Clayton & Renvoize (1986) and approximately 370 for Watson & Dallwitz (1992). In accordance with the current circumscription (Aliscioni et al. 2003), the Panicum sort ' ' sensu lato' ' , it understands about 400 species, of which about 100 enclosed ones in the Panicum subgenus, distributed in pantropicais regions, some of which if they extend until the tempering regions. Panicum sort – Main to cultivate of sort cv. Colonio (Brazil sc. XVIII) cv.

Tobiat cv. Winner cv. Tanznia cv. Mombaa cv. Green Panic cv. Massai cv. Aruana cv. Aries cv. Guin Capim Colonio – Panicum maximum Jack – cv. Colonio Origin: Africa, some authors credit its introduction as accidental while others consider one capim native. Description: it is grassy a perennial one, cespitoso growth, form touceiras with average width of 1m dense, that they can be presented tumbled when very developed, reaches on average of 2,5 – 3,0m of height. The leves are wide with green coloration bluish opened inflorescncia, of clear green color. Requirements: it presents high requirement in temperature and humidity, developing well in places with superior precipitation 800mm, high luminosity, the production is estacional being 80% of the production in the period of (prim. – to see.), the requirement raised in fertility of the ground, prefers ground more arenaceous, it does not tolerate the frost and encharcamento of the ground. Capacity of support: average between 3,0 – 4,0 U.A/ha.