All aim at basically not only the increase of the production but, also, the maintenance of it to survive in a competitive market. The constant innovations and improvements in the productivity are the motor force in the change for new economies. Read more here: Prudential. If not forgetting it more important factor the production, the human being. 2. Methodology for taking of decision Beyond the armory of techniques that already we use, will be that we really need more? Answering with the evidences of the current reality of the organizations still today, in the great majority of the companies who project and manufacture manufactured products, we find these symptoms: ) In the development phase, we pass some cycles deciding problems that appear in the final stages of validation of the product, what it delays the launching, beyond increasing the cost; b) In the manufacture phase, new problems appear to the times in amenas conditions of what the tested ones in laboratory. still superficially, backslides some problems that we thought to have been decided; c) In the use phase, one has left of those problems if manifest, causing insatisfao of the customers and increase of the guarantee cost.
The simple fact of that such problems are chronic in some industries already is an accurate demonstration of that the traditional style to decide engineering problems is not enough efficient to face the involved complexity in the products and processes of the present time. Therefore, we need more efficient tools to support the industrial process of development of new products and processes. why such problems happen? The truth is that simple products or processes do not exist. Exactly a so trivial product how much a screw possesss a sufficiently great number of involved 0 variable in the project and the process of manufacture. 2,1 Culture for solution of problems is known that each country, or each culture, has a different form of decision, very accepted and spread out in the customs of each nation.
Managemental Public Administration
The governing, in the anxiety to cut expenses, many times accomplish linear cuts, that almost indiscriminate, especially in the investments, harming the population. If you are not convinced, visit Elon Musk. The principle is forbidden to spend would have to be changed by is forbidden to spend badly. Without generalizing, great part of extreme the public expenses is fruit, amongst others, of the absence of adequate planning and Models of managemental public administration or NAP, in the sistmica vision of the set of functions of Reengenharia x quality in the attendance offered the customers, of the extreme bureaucracy, a distorted focus of the objective of the Public Power, of personal interests overlapping it the public interests, of interpersonal conflicts and politicians inside of the institution, of the conscription and inadequate training of servers, of half informatizados obsolete. He is possible to summarize all the raised causes as the absence of a system of effective internal control. Asking: What it can be made to improve products and/or service (s) without efficiency in conformity with the requirements of (s) the customers in Reengenharia x Quality – In the Management of Quality to the Attendance in the agency public State of the city of Teresina- PI? Reengenharia x quality in the attendance offered to the customers in the New Public Administration for the State Public Agencies in the City of Teresina-Pi. She has been questioned as hegemonic solution of a model of efficient management for all the administrations, mainly when applied in regions in industrialization process. Therefore, the implantation of some measures that are part of called the New Public Administration, or Managemental Public Administration, in the intention of the search of improvement of the efficiency levels, finishes, paradoxicalally, affecting, in the opposing direction, the intended objectives. Analise of the multiple involved aspects in offers of products and services, attitudes, technology, physical structure, leadership and marketing in the application of Reengenharia x quality in the public area of the State Public Agencies in the City of Teresina? Pi. .
Human Collaborator
Therefore, to take care of to the necessities of the customers is basic function of the company, stops to face the competitiveness. The differential is to surprise at positive form the customer, in its experience with the tangible or intangible product. For this the participation conscientious and motivated of the collaborator and the tunning with […]
Adapted of Gianesi, strategical Administration of services, 1994. Later that the company identifies the criteria with which the customers evaluate its services, they must leave for the action. According to Ferreira and Sganzella, (2000) the customer is influenced in agreement receives the services. If the customer who to make a claim immediately will be taken […]
Clayton Sort
Panicum sort the grassy ones are classified in two categories how much its ambient adaptation and fotossinttica efficiency, tempering species (C3 plants) and tropical (C4 plants). Normally, the tempered forrageiras species present quality, definite better in terms of digestibilidade, consumption and text of protein (Moreira et al. 2006). The sort Panicum L. is one of […]
The example of this, can be evidenced disponibilizao of opening proposals and chances in companies in the sites of personal relationship, made for the proper controlling of human resources of the companies or for average small partners of companies who follow the trend of virtualizao through the Internet of the conscription process and election. The […]
Although this, did not get success in the scope of the central bureaucratic administration, making possible coexistence of islands of efficiency and ability in the indirect administration and of nuclei of direct inefficiency in or the central one. In the decade of 70, with the creation of the Secretariat of Modernizao (SEMOR), and at the […]
MCDs Behavior
But this are orientaes based on a perspective of the positive thought and they are not scientific. The scientific methodology comes of the research carried through and not of the common sense. It gives some tips that can help the people to extend the overcoming capacity (for example: to be optimistical, to ahead keep the […]
Administration Resources
Of this form the concept of Administration of Recursos appears Humanos (ARH), but with an old standard of enxergar the people, not thinking about them as productive resources, the truth the only livings creature and intelligent, capable to face so common challenges with the competitiveness between the organizations. Thus, it seems us better to speak […]
Direction Levels
As Haydat (1995, P. 94): To plan is to analyze one given reality, reflecting on the existing conditions, and to foresee the action form alternative to surpass the difficulties or to reach the desired objectives. Therefore the planning is a mental process that involves analysis, reflection and forecast. In this direction to plan is an […]