Methods Programming

Posted by Carlota on April 3, 2017
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This marked the starting point marked on the scale ruler and a focus on machine bed. 4.3.3.Nulevaya point zero point of the details of W part W (‘part zero) coincides with the beginning of the coordinate system details. It is freely chosen by the programmer and specifies a point in the drawing of finished parts, which are calculated from all dimensions. The difference between zero points and details of the machine M W NC registered as an offset of zero. This characteristic of all Programmable coordinate values are at zero point of detail.

4.3.4. The zero point of the program zero point of the program RO RO (‘null treatment’) – the point at which the tool is the beginning of treatment. Zero point W parts usually unsuitable for this purpose, as, for example, blanks it is inside. It is advisable to choose the zero point of the program so that you can easily replace the part or tool. 5. Methods Programming 5.1. Absolute programming when programming indicates the absolute position of a given endpoint. Signs of the coordinates determine which of the four quadrants is this point.

Coordinates given end point is always defined relative to a fixed reference point (usually zero parts W). Position of the reference point is irrelevant to the end point. 5.2. Relative When programming is the path relative programming tool. The sign determines the direction of the tool. The desired end point is always associated with their coordinate values pre- specified position tool (programming in increments). Position of the reference point is crucial to achieve a given endpoint. 8. Types of interpolation 8.1.Lineynaya interpolation. With a linear interpolation movement in the mode of labor supply is carried out simultaneously in one or more axes of the machine to get straight. 8.2.Krugovaya interpolation with circular interpolation movement is carried out simultaneously in two by machine axes in order to reproduce the arc. To determine the exact range of the circuit control device, the following data: a) The direction of rotation in a circular motion to the operating direction by using G 02 (clockwise) or G 03 (clockwise rotation) b) The coordinates of the endpoint) interpolation parameters I, J and K to determine the position of the center of the circle: I-coordinate of the center axis X J-coordinate of the center in Y direction to – Coordinate of the center in the Z direction Regardless of whether the values are the coordinates for the final arc absolutely (G90) or relatively (G91), the center parameters are programmed by a relative method. Here the coordinates determined relative to the starting point of the arc. Regardless of whether the values are the coordinates for the final arc absolutely (G90) or relatively (G91), the center parameters are programmed by a relative method. Here the coordinates determined relative to the starting point of the arc. Prepared according to the textbook “Numerical control in the production of ‘Heinz Petzold, Dipl. Ing.