South Korea

Posted by Carlota on January 6, 2014
in News

The pro-Western South Korea committed more than any other country in the campaign by far. In 1965 Seoul sent 200 soldiers, but ended up sending a total of 47 829 in 1967 (a number four times higher than the second country that contributed soldiers). Unlike other forces, most of the Korean era weaponry and equipment of U.S. origin, as well as tactics and strategies used. Not in vain these soldiers had been trained by American advisers and fought together in the Korean War in the past decade. This approval with U.S. troops and equipment made them very useful and compatible. Koreans also demonstrated a ferocity that stunned the fight in more than one occasion to the Communists. South Korea had already suffered the Communist invasion of its northern neighbors and with the participation”paid”for the support received from the U.S. and at the same time weakening an enemy who was also his.The Koreans were trained in martial arts (Taekwondo or Karate Korean) and more than once used it. A reporter who accompanied a patrol told to see a Korean soldier killing a villager suspected of sympathizing with the Viet Cong with their bare hands and without any circumspection.