European Recycling
However, multitude of services such as municipal selective collections or destruction of discarded confidential documentation services, which is currently self-financing with revenues from the export market, represent from now a considerable expense for Councils, companies and consumers in general. According to REPACAR (Spanish Association of recuperators of paper and cardboard), the export of recovered paper to Asia market is a natural flow since carton which enters Europe-returns to its origin. Every day reaching European markets products protected with cardboard packaging, returning to Asia for the production of new packaging. In addition, this return is made through strategies of reverse logistics, with a maximum use of synergies of transport and a minimum environmental impact (containers (which transported paper and paperboard production recovered to Asia, are containers of return, that have to go back to Asia, empty or full), thus closing its cycle of life through recycling. Furthermore, according to REPACAR, also China has recently promulgated the twelfth five-year plan of economic and social development, which will be deepened in the development of an economy based on recycling and environmental protection.
This country has been consolidated as one of the first consumers in the world of secondary raw materials, given the needs of the recycling industry capable of absorb the surpluses of the European and North American countries and convert them for further use, avoiding consumption of new resources as timber, such as landfill or incineration of surplus recovered paper in Western countries of origin. Recycling DOLAF, is a pioneer and leader in the recovery and export of waste paper for recycling, with a volume of annual production of more than 100,000 tons. With the recovery of recovered paper, Recycling DOLAF provided free services for various city councils municipal selective waste collection, as well as services of confidential destruction of useless documentation, at no cost to hundreds of public and private agencies.