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Hospital Division

Posted by Carlota on June 9, 2020 with Comments Closed
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The goal is to take the services to the most diverse regions starting for Southeastern region extending for South and later North of the Country. The customizao of the laboratory is a basic point beyond the constant and efficient training of the collection professionals who in this stage are business card of the company (Laboratory). Basically we have an attendance central office that receives linkings from patients or the proper operators and requests the collections, these are set appointments (maximum stated period 24-hour), the material is prepared delivers the script to the collection car and monitorial saw GPS to the conditions of passes through and transits. It is factor important to know to mapear the collections thus we obtain to perfect the car exits. ‘ ‘ All our collections are carried through with marked hour, the patient, it knows who will be the collector that will make the visit, receives the telephone from contact and this cliente one of the schedule that will receive the collector in its domicilio’ ‘. One is about a personalization in the attendance and most important it does not generate cost to the operator of health (safe accord/) or to the patient who in the case is the benefited greater.

In commercial side the service offers to the health plan a differential in the magnifying of its wallet of customers, therefore, it offers the service of gratuitous form. Cheap media, on the act of contract of the service the health plan counts duly on vehicles identified twirling for one determined city or region displaying its mark, is a direct propaganda at no cost. Transit; ‘ ‘ when we consider in them to carry through collections domiciliary we are of a direct form contributing for an improvement in the transit of the great metropolises, therefore with only one I propagate is possible to carry through up to 15 (fifteen) collects per day, with this we take off others fifteen vehicles that would be leading patient to the laboratories to carry through procedure of coleta.’ ‘ At last, one is about a system little divulged, but that it has only characteristics it came to be. Partner; ‘ ‘ as we are in the center of the production, we in such a way depend on the health plan to adopt the idea of facilitador of services to the patient as well as we have that to choose the laboratories well that they answer for the production of these exames.’ ‘ Currently they are leaving for independent production, that is, they are the service of collection and the laboratory of production. With the expansion idea they will have that to treat each situation as only. The cars are prepared with isolation of the driver of the biological materials, something that already is foreseen in the legislaes of the Country. All have place for disdain of material contaminated and local appropriate for the room of the samples to be analyzed. Professionals; all have formation of assisting at least or nursing technician, passes for training specifies to work in laboratory, is placed in training exhausting in hospital environment after these processes only to leave the field. Emerson de Lima Taveira, currently is responsible of the Hospital Division of a laboratory of the Southeastern region.