Group elements (earth, air, water, fire) Fire, air, land and water – 4 of 12 astrological signs. This category – the most important factor in compatibility (biological and psychological), which promotes strong relationships. Of course, any two people born under different signs can receive sexual pleasure from each other. However, for long-term dating, for the feeling that you 'belong' to him, he will, that 'I knew you all my life' best to choose a partner from the same group to which your character. The principle on which the signs are distributed to the group – their position in a horoscope with respect to each other. Let us consider each group. Fire. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius The main feature of this group – this activity, and energy.
These three characters associated with the fiery, active mental and sexual processes, and these signs are not so closely braided together, such as water marks. Even in the most closely related these signs there is a sort of comradeship, familiarity. Each side wants to live an independent life and very Radko subjects all his life to another person at the cost of their individuality. In this group meet many couples who can tolerate long periods of separation and to maintain strong feelings for each other, and at the same time they pursue their individual goals. Keyword in this group – personal independence. Although all people of these signs of hot and quick-tempered, his mind is focused on career, finances, and they want to be in the spotlight, in plain sight.
The Resurrection
The idea of martyrdom behind the Christian religion in Russia acquires a special significance. Occurs formation of a new spiritual culture related on the one hand, the old pagan ideals, on the other hand, with the new philosophy, brought to the Christian East and West. The idea of the divine principle is deeply penetrate into the essence of Russian national identity. Comprehension of the spiritual life is a characteristic feature of Orthodox Rus folk, for whom Easter is a celebration of celebrations in honor of deliverance through The Resurrection of Christ from the dominion of darkness and the triumph of the soul. "…
Death by death, and those in the tombs bestowing life" before Easter in Russia is the great multi-day fasting – prayer, humility, repentance and abstinence from worldly pleasures, and meals perilous, what looked like a special Lenten church bells. Change the rhythm of life, appeared a very special atmosphere of universal self-sacrifice. According to Of St. Theophanes the Recluse, the post was "a healing rate of saving souls, washing away the entire bath to the old, ugly, dirty." Closed theaters, booths, drinking establishments, which were particularly popular among ordinary people. Stop high-society receptions, balls, entertainment, even for children zapreschalis romps. In the first three days of fasting shops did not work. People dressed in modest clothing and unnecessarily tried not to leave the house. In the first week of Lent and Holy Week activities in schools were canceled, public institutions were closed. But life did not stop, it just became quiet, proportioned, disposing of thinking about God, life and his mission on earth.