The Virtue Of The Half Term

Posted by Carlota on January 1, 2013
in News

It knows that Aristotle (384 B.C.? 322 B.C.) was disciple of creative Plato and of the Ethics. It characterized the man (Anthropos) as to be rational and politician. Its thought influenced the Toms Saint deeply de Aquino (1225? 1274) known in the half eclesial as Doctor Communis Ecclesiae. The aristotelian thought is so present in Toms Saint that the French philosopher Jacques Maritain (1882? 1973) arrive to say that ' ' Toms baptizes Aristteles' '. In the direction, of the incorporamento made for Toms Saint of the ideas of Aristotle to the Christianity, shining form.

What we know today as virtues whose dissemination? by the way? it must the Christianity has as plain of deep the aristotelian thought. A typical example is what Aristotle in its Ethical workmanship the Nicmaco calls ' ' half term between two vices ' ' that passed for the hands of Toms de Aquino becomes what we know as the Prudence. By the way, the prudence is treated more deeply by the Doctoris Angelicus in Article VI of Question XLVII of the Theological Summa. If to observe the prudence is in the old thought of Aristotle, in the Medieval mentality of Toms de Aquino we will notice that it, the prudence is ordenante. That is, it is who must ' ' iluminar' ' , so to speak, ours to act. Since, it is by means of it that the balance in the human being occurs.

Where in fact, the man does not become excessively courageous (what a danger becomes), nor coward excessively (another problem). But the individual assumes a position, what it was defined by Andres Comte-Sponville (1952 -) as, Moderation in relation to the moment. In a full world of supply and demand it is essential to keep a balanced position. (As opposed to papercut). One is not about if revealing as the current reality indifferent, for the opposite is to be alive present and operating, however with a good dose of balance and sense of responsibility.