
Posted by Carlota on November 15, 2018
in News

Adapted of Gianesi, strategical Administration of services, 1994. Later that the company identifies the criteria with which the customers evaluate its services, they must leave for the action. According to Ferreira and Sganzella, (2000) the customer is influenced in agreement receives the services. If the customer who to make a claim immediately will be taken care of, it will be satisfied and the company will find or get great resulted, more if not to occur this immediate solution, the customer will be logically unsatisfied and the company will lose very with this.

Therefore, the satisfaction to the customer must be a priority of the companies. 3.4 The attendance as bedding for the satisfaction of the customers the attendance and services are parts of the actions of the marketing. They are who they go to say if the company is having resulted positive or not. For service, Kotler (2000, P. 42) defines that it is any act or performance that one has left it can offer another one and that it is essentially intangible and does not result you are welcome in the property. Berry (2001) standes out that the services are narrowly on to the relationships. The approach of the marketing of relationship to the marketing of services must it the fact of that the relationship is a service given to the customer and its interactive nature starts to be the base for offers continuum of superior value. The services are nothing less than the performance, and the challenge to support the vigor, the commitment, the abilities and the knowledge of it plays that it, to any time.