Micro Brief Clear

Posted by Carlota on November 25, 2013
in News

Earpiece kits are different. The principle of operation of the micro: 1. Earpiece (inserted into the ear). 2. Induction peredachik. (Hangs on his neck under clothing, it transmits a signal from the phone to Earpiece with mikrafona on the phone). 3 Mikrafon. (It should be put under clothing, is fixed in the chest area closer to the head.

It is better to take that microphone that attaches to the induction transmitter wire, as if on examination he , it will not fall nowhere and hang on the wire, the radius of the hearing a few meters so and so will be heard. Plus 2 more, once is not lost and is cheaper. Basically there are 2 kinds of the micro. Continued from elyustratsiyami read on link at the end of the article. As well take the exam. 1. Buy Earpiece 2. Find a person 'X' Assistant who will peredovat you information in Earpiece on the exam.

3. You should prepare the sources from which Continued from elyustratsiyami see the link at the end of the article. Beware of imitations Be sure to check the availability of brand names! On the original headset must be present logo. – If the system connects through the connector hands-free (this is where the wired inductive transmitter connects to the phone), then the firm gologramma be located near the plug that is stuck in the phone. – If the system is connected via bluetooth, then the brand