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Posted by Carlota on January 29, 2013 with Comments Closed
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So, we explain the reasons. It was only then it should be noted that it is impossible to take into account all the situations that lead to the "missing" young man. But the main and frequent causes of mysterious disappearance, I think, will tell. 1. He got what he wanted. Often, young people need only sex and nothing more. This is news? If he received it, then, thank you, have nothing else. Of course, strange, sex was, but it can be? There are unpleasant for the women's men's truth: "Every girl deserves sex, but not every two." And what about love? He said that he liked me, beautiful, sexy.

That's right, no words of love and romance to create a goal, in fact the most sex, young people did not get like. Just a girl need, increasing its significance, compliments, words of love, flowers, well, then maybe sex. He needed just the opposite. The man got what he wanted, perhaps hoping for more passion, sexual activity and emancipation, however, expectations have not been fully realized. Is it worth a second time to organize courtship, romance, listen to a lot of unnecessary information, wasting time and money to get the same thing? He went to look elsewhere. What do you want? 2.

He's just more expensive than you. In life we all have our price, including personal relationships. There is such a market – personal relationships, which is sometimes referred to as the marriage market relations. Any girl or young man in this market as something valued.

Selfesteem Through Accept

Posted by Carlota on January 20, 2013 with Comments Closed
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Self-acceptance is an important part of healthy self-esteem, because you say that because it is necessary to accept you as is with strengths and weaknesses so that you can know what they have to change, you need to strengthen and what are your limitations. The self-acceptance means accepting your physical and psychological self as we see us before our very eyes. This will affect all aspects of your life in love, work, family. Without adequate self-esteem you don’t accept it would be impossible, because you crearias auto-rechazo and could not develop yourself personally and much less become happy. Accept yourself with everything you make up ideas, emotions, body, desires does not mean that necessarily like everything you made up but is recognize you and not denying what you are on the contrary it is learn to love you and respect you. If you accept you with everything composed te Te congratulate is a good step but it is not enough because it is not necessary if you already know you and recognize that something it is wrong you have the desire to change, improve or evolve in what you know is wrong and is it well promote it, because we’re not like a stone, the stone does not change does not have life, us Yes.

Accept is to recognize how valuable you are, you deserve to be loved and respected despite the fact that you’re not perfect. Why it is so important to self acceptance? -Because you will not feel afraid to acknowledge the negative of it. -You can better handle criticisms unless they affect you. You will have the ability to reject or accept them and not come to the point of devaluing you why. -You’re not aware of those who think others about you. -Do not you auto reject and let you fight with yourself. -You mostraras you as you are, without any excuse you or changed by others.

Descrife The Language Of Your Smile

Posted by Carlota on January 11, 2013 with Comments Closed
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I feel to imagine your smile and seems to lie a day of October you asked that I join hand in the path of love and you said yes! An inhospitable path for both but I always knew, provided that everything was going has okay with your charisma, everything would be great… And when was born the trust my life because very easy charm of my eyes when we decided mutual so that I could trust you, like you could trust in my and when we started to love us because my sky in the course of the days my love how not loving you, if he was addicted to your lips! How does not love you, if forgot to kiss you until my name! Quererte, is, and will continue to be a form of being in heaven, pro without being in lived, alive i will live always longing for once again being at your side while you have oxygen in my lungs I have behind you to love you and when he started the love then began long before that unforgettable night in which my lips musitaron the word TE AMO…I found the phrase more beautiful that I could have told someone I felt that you loved not just to kiss you, caress you feel like my skin causes him so much printing your skin but to see in your beautiful eyes my future…a future that takes your memory a future as designed by you as credible, real, tangible because TU estas in the dreamer, dreamer, people may tell Me alien to us to dream, to live thinking in the future but is that in my mind, these only your and what people say if whom I love is to you who say think that what they want because I say it..I think…I want to have you and today it September mi Gordita I can be happy…Smiling feeling that I have someone so wonderful to my side, but not even is difficult for me imagine this life without you my heart still does not forgive me deny thy presence these months and believe me, you’re right nor myself even me so forgive anything se compara a ti. The most beautiful day in my faculty or more enjoyable exhibition that I provide nor a more beneficial training that I can achieve anything is so ALICIANTE as you’re not but do I, a future without you trying to.


Posted by Carlota on January 3, 2013 with Comments Closed
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One of the options more suitable and more currently applied for the acquisition of a property is to have mortgage loans, since they allow in an easy and convenient access to an amount of money to complete the value that has a property and so through the payment of fees may pay the debt acquired […]

The Virtue Of The Half Term

Posted by Carlota on January 1, 2013 with Comments Closed
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It knows that Aristotle (384 B.C.? 322 B.C.) was disciple of creative Plato and of the Ethics. It characterized the man (Anthropos) as to be rational and politician. Its thought influenced the Toms Saint deeply de Aquino (1225? 1274) known in the half eclesial as Doctor Communis Ecclesiae. The aristotelian thought is so present in […]