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Latin America

Posted by Carlota on July 29, 2013 with Comments Closed
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However, becomes a problem when we try to clarify what is quality in university education, since the concept is generally ambiguous and equivocal. The emphasis today on quality, characteristic in the general field of education, manifests itself uniquely in the University sector where are projected, in addition, the trends that point to the control of economic enterprises. Indeed, during the last decade, concern for the evaluation of the quality of university education, constitutes an essential feature of higher education in the most developed countries. In Europe, the evaluation of the University Faculty (teaching and scientific productivity quality) is a widespread practice; and the tendency to converge with European and American trends in their concern for the quality of university education is sharply reflected in Latin America, in the multiplication of congresses and national and international meetings on the subject. Very interesting what brings Vegas, when it comes, that the current movement towards the elevation of the levels of quality of higher education proposes, firstly, an effort to clarifying the concept of quality and its implications. The first specific approach to quality education, as well as the permanent and traditional reference to a good education, a good curriculum or a good University, historically corresponds to the period of euphoria Planner and developmental, focused on the Decade of the sixties and the concept is used without clear theoretical connotations. The quality is attributed to the action of the qualitative factors, i.e., those elements that cannot be quantitatively expressed, or present serious difficulties to quantification. These elements are related to primarily with the processes that determine the so-called internal effectiveness of the system or the education quality (Diez Hochleitner, 1969;) Beeby, 1970). Remember us Vegas addition, which recently, under this item, quality as the internal efficiency of the systems and institutions of university education appears as a reaction to the lack of quantitative indicators of efficiency and productivity, and is linked with the characteristics considered qualitative, processes and products of the University.

Nye Power

Posted by Carlota on July 16, 2013 with Comments Closed
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In the search for hand of cheap workmanship the companies, for example, use the practical one of the act of contract of women for the services which demand little professional qualification. Still, the impersonal relation between producers and consumers, between which it has a different distribution of to be able, demands as consequence a great sense of indifference, apathy, and same the reliable loss in the proper considered system desumano. When a worker does not possess the due confidence in its head, and determined head he does not trust its manager, the production relations are harmed or ruined in all the levels. As such systems they are generated and kept for human beings, this estranhamento can, finally, provoke a collapse of the system. A time that the production, commerce and financial operations are part of a globalizado system, the collapse in part of it can unchain a reaction in world-wide chain of failures, as it occurred, for example, in the global crisis provoked by the bankruptcy of some companies hosted in the United States and badly managed, in 2008. The power brando the global corporations, to defend its interests count, still, with the called one to be able structural brando (or soft to power ).

As defined for Nye (2004, P. 05), the power brando is refletido in the capacity of if to obtain the results of its preference coing-opt the people instead of coagiz them. Therefore, one is about the capacity of an actor to give form to the preferences of another actor, through its power of attraction and seduction. The power brando is more than persuasion, therefore the people are taken to agree for if feeling attracted by what determined actor she represents. The attraction nor always determines the preferences of one definitive actor, but, certainly, it can modify its perception and, indirectly, influence the result desired for the actor with the power brando.

The Soil

Posted by Carlota on July 16, 2013 with Comments Closed
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I promise to see little television. I promise to read more books. I promise to read more periodical. I promise to play more in the yard, and to roll for the soil. I promise to step on more in the soil, bare-footed. I promise to wait more my time.

I promise to see better films. I promise to like me more than, as I am. I promise to learn the autoaceitao. I promise to try to walk less in the contrahand or to swim against the tide, therefore already I am family father! I promise that I go to finally finish to construct my house. I promise that I go to buy an car for my wife.

I promise to change to all the furniture. We go to the work! I promise to love more. I promise to smile more. I promise to see more the sun to be born (it is that I have seen always more the put-do-sun). I promise to make more what I want to make. I promise to accept more the people as they are. I promise to complicate little, mainly for my pupils. I promise to work more. I promise to import little with small problems. I promise to love more. I promise to try to accept the life as it is. I promise to continue moving of opinion, in this continuous metamorphosis that is the life. I promise to release more the vices, and to look more God. I promise to meditar more, to more communicate me with God and mine interior. I promise to be more honest. I promise to smile morning more than and not to leave the room so disarranged. I promise to continue liking coffee, chocolate and samba. ' ' My hope is a sun that shines plus This sun will illuminate our steps ' ' I promise not to be counting in such a way on the luck.


Posted by Carlota on July 15, 2013 with Comments Closed
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With regard to the cares of nursing in the one after operatrios immediate (POI). Brazil tells (2002), that it is a considered period critical, considering if that the customer will be, initially, on general anesthesia effect, raque anesthesia, peridural or place, therefore in this circumstance presents if sufficiently vulnerable the complications. Thus, it is basic […]


Posted by Carlota on July 13, 2013 with Comments Closed
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Who are the applications?: are those programs that enable the interaction between user and computer (communication), giving the user option to choose options and execute actions offered by the program. There are countless number of application types. Brian M. Krzanich often addresses the matter in his writings. An application in final is a software program […]

Alexis Jimenez Anyone

Posted by Carlota on July 3, 2013 with Comments Closed
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PS. Fernando Alexis Jimenez how we could define the concept of adventure? The most simple and approximate application would say that it is a business that we undertake, whose chances of success must overcome countless obstacles, but once the goal is reached, it gives highly satisfactory results. Are you agree? I may have a different […]