The Citizen
We will again be a people able to determine their own destiny, take the dictatorship and begin a sustained reconstruction. The unit is required. The intellectual who theorizes about the new parameters of the world must embrace to the housewife who fights between the maintenance of the home and work, between review homework if Stalin round notebooks and make market with money that does not reach you. The unit pulling us ears, the unit rings the Bell of the condominium, unit hits the doors protected from the terrified inhabitant of the neighborhood plagued by underworld. The drive must be breathed, absorbed, introyectada. We must unite the policeman with the citizen who looks distressed. We must unite to the carrier with a passenger. We must unite the buyer with the seller.
We must rebuild a unitary social fabric. Then the hope will return. We are ready to define a transition. To conceptualize what is to come to replace the present evil. The transition will then not NIP us unawares, because we have already defined its goodness, its conditions and its route. The unit goes everywhere. We must grab it, you must weld among all those who protest, among all those who are resigned and all those who still believe down.
You must end the connection, the lack of amalgam, the absence of communicating vessels. We must become masons of unit, engineering unit, Builder of the great building of unit. Then we will see the transition, then we’ll see how opens our eyes repair of exams in which we were postponed, then we will see the democratic return away from the vices of yesterday and its aberrant wart today. Then we will be a people of citizens by lifting citizenship and a new Republic, already released, already enjoying the results of our actions that put an end to the decline and disaster. Essayist, novelist, poet, translator of poetry, lawyer, diplomat. Author of more than 30 books
Indigenous Poetry
NOT finished my flowers my flowers you not end up, not cease my chants. I cantor elevate them, they divide, they spread. Even when the flowers wither and amarillecen, they will be beyond carried inside the home of the bird’s feathers of gold. Rejoice Ica xon ahuiyacan ihuinti xochitli, tomac peanut. MA on you already aquiloto xochicozquitl. In toquiappancaxochiuh, celia xochitli, cueponia xochitli tla. Oncan nemi tototl, chachalaca, tlatohua, on quimatli teotl ichan hual.
Zaniyo in toxochiuh ica tonahuiyacan. In cuicatl ica on pupulihui in amotlaocol Zaniyo. In tepilhuan ica yehua, amelel on maybe. Quiyocoya in Aztec, qui already hual temohuiya moyocoyatzin, in ayahuailo xochitli, ica yehua amelel on maybe. Rejoice with the flowers that drunk which are in our hands. That are already placed necklaces of flowers. Our time of rain, fragrant flowers, flowers already open their Corollas.
There goes the bird, chatters and sings, he comes to know the God’s House. only with our flowers we are pleased. only with our singing perishes our sadness. Oh gentlemen, with this, your disgust is it dissipates. The giver of life invents them, has made them descend the inventor himself, pleasant flowers, this your anger dissipates Netzahualcoyotl with flowers ESCRIBES flowering write, giver of life, with edges give color, with edges shadows that have to live on Earth. Then destroy to Eagles and tigers, only in your book of paintings live, here on Earth. With black ink erases what was the brotherhood, the community, the nobility. You shadows that have to live on Earth Netzahualcoyotl Yo, NETZAHUALCoYOTL, LO wonder I Netzahualcoyotl ask does anything of really live with root on Earth? Not forever on Earth: just a little bit here. Even jade breaks, even if gold breaks, even feathers of quetzal is torn. Not forever in the Earth: only a little here. ARE YOU REAL? You true you have root? Only who dominates all things, the giver of life.