Bernardine Silver
Often the woman does not approve what the man thinks, because he does not value his point of view treats nor it warmly. When the man and the woman value themselves is difficult that their differences enter the plane of the discussion. When we have something bothers to us within the relation with our pair, we must be asked: Which is the problem that I have in my mind, or in my heart that I have still not been able to solve? We are different and imperfect, but that knowledge must take to me to face of respectful way our differences so that these do not mistreat or harm the relation totally. One requires that we are, objectives, clear, and precise, when we entered to have a discussion with our pair, on the problem or the difference that affects to us. We cannot be vague, we must identify totally what it causes annoyance to us in the relation, without wanting to solve several difficulties simultaneously. We must be conscious that a problem is necessary to face it and to solve it, without trying to look for reasons to justify its existence. Both must have total brings back to consciousness of which in a relation, sooner or later the difficulties appear, but as they are arising it is necessary to solve them with favorable solutions for both and not being looked for only a personal benefit.
The egoism is often, the greater obstacle to be able to obtain an understanding between two people. Any thing by trivial that seems we must put it in knowledge of ” otro”. They are not the important subjects, the education of the children, religion, the job class that we are going to develop, the site to buy or to construct the house, the place that we selected for our vacations, etc., which generally finishes being the cause of a separation. The pairs are few that end up separating by a cause of ” fondo”. I believe that no lawyer has had to take care of a pair because ” although we are wanted much, we have not been able to put to us in agreement in if we saved the money that we thought to be spent in the vacations or we go away to Europa.” The difficulties majors appear almost always in the smaller problems.
” The unique thing that it wants a weekend, is to watch its soccer after television, or to read its favorite book. If we did not leave it can spend all the weekend without taking a shower. Later it asks why my lack of enthusiasm to do amor”. Apparently they are things without importance, but they have a great capacity to produce irritation and annoyance, more than any really important problem. Then when already those smallness gets to tire to us too much, we transformed into differences majors. By your Inner peace, Bernardine Silver.
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I can have my page Web if a dominion? you can do if it has many companies provide subdominions free but my recommendation is to buy your own dominion so that the visitors know with one better formabilidad your site and for but easy sight in the motors search. Especially if you have a church or ministry it is very important to assure the permanent name the page Web. also when you register your own dominion you can register it of 1 to 10 anuses very important when this time you can again register expires it when not doing you have it the risk of losing your name of dominion permanently. Original author and source of the article..
The Thinker
REINCARNATION Histories as this exists everywhere, nobody can demonstrate nothing, we only can believe or not in which they have to us counted. Mark Bertolini has much to offer in this field. But just as the deceased he is able to pronounce itself to protect or to help its loved beings, also can make it […]
Law Life
But the absence of exactly what? , it will surprise to him. The deficiency is not the absence of money, or health, or love. These are only their symptoms. In the nucleus, the deficiency is simply the blockade of the ENERGY. Brian Krzanich often says this. Everything is energy. When you undergo shortage or deficiency […]
Carlos Dwells Vanegas The Venezuelan Areas of Postgraduate, as for the masters in Administration of Companies (MBA) with their respective mentions, require to update themselves, to define a new profile of the withdrawn one according to the needs of the present scenes that the present needs, especially, in a country, where it is characterized by […]
The Day
Great breaches exist to win that every moment that passes they are making greater as far as the form in which the social classes are organized and divided, a normal person of low class or average – conceives impossible to arrive at the power and to make changes unless she is by means of which […]
Like Solving Problems Of Pair
Solving the problems in the pair the resolution of a problem in the pair is oriented to solve a dispute or differences. One generally is the behavior of a part that it does not like to the other. Other times the complaint is mutual. The problems always do not have solution. But we are going […]
Antarctic Hour
A Dnepr rocket was used for it, made by the company ” International Space Company Kosmotras”. TCP Systems and Engineering provided support besides remaining of active guard in all the phases of the launching. The Cryosat-2 satellite it was the past sent 8 of April of 2010 to the 15:57 (Spanish hour) from the Space-port […]
The Time
This means that you are going to have more money to buy more assets that with time they will increase his value instead of of buying cars that will be depreciated with running of the time. 6) You never depend on Sueldo Many individuals are really loyal to their employees and arrive at the end […]
The Word
Ever since we are born we listened to the word " no" at least a million of times and we ended up fearing it: " you do not do esto" , " you do not do that or aquello" " That not toca" " That not dice". There are children who learned to say " […]