Learn Chinese

Posted by Carlota on April 23, 2019
in News
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The special seminar at the TU Vienna starts again in the fall more and more Austrian companies use the opportunities that the Chinese market offers and engage in the Middle Kingdom. China is becoming increasingly important as investment partner for technology companies. These challenges optimally to prepare the graduates of the University and other interested persons, offers the continuing education center of Vienna on October 13, 2009 once again the special seminar of Chinese for beginners “do.” The trend to acquire knowledge of the Chinese language will increase still further “predicted Yan Li, lecturer of the course, some time ago and should keep right. In addition to technical and economic knowledge, it is of great value to have basic knowledge of the Chinese language, but to know the culture and their manners. For beginners offers the Chinese with the seminar TU Wien all participants a glimpse into the country, his people and the language.

At the end of the course the participants will be Understand sentences and frequently used expressions in Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks of everyday life “, says Dr. Li trainer Dr. Yan Li 1963 in Sichuan, China born studied in Beijing and at Purdue University (U.S.,” and received his PhD in foreign language teaching in 1998. In consequence, she worked as language teacher at Bennington College (U.S.A) and the universities of Saarbrucken and Munster and Vienna. The seminar is aimed at preparation of students on a study trip in China or Taiwan, to scientific staff at educational establishments, employees from companies that want to build relations with China or prepare for an intervention in China, as well as to persons interested in Chinese.

Upon successful completion, the participants will receive a certificate of the Technical University of Vienna. The registration for this special seminar is possible now until September 29, 2009.