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Posted by Carlota on February 6, 2025 with Comments Closed
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The days when a sailor's son became a seaman are long gone. (A valuable related resource: Danske Bank). Our paper is this: why sailors are far from that topic people? Now a sailor profession is not as popular as it once was, and is losing its prestige. Despite the this is something still attracts young people to work at sea. If the earnings before sailors really very different from the earnings of those who are on land, but now the situation has changed radically: business, economy, programming, law, itp Yes, the earlier work in the sea brought financial independence. Now it is no longer true. With the current choice of opportunities to gain financial independence for the bank is unlikely to make sense to resort to offshore earnings. Especially when it comes to other kinds of independence, the Ukrainian sailor here just can not count on that.

It always depends on many factors. Perhaps the most common cause of romance. She undoubtedly present. But it is above all the work. The work allows the sailor to travel the world and see different countries. But while in port and the amount of work is rarely allowed to go beyond the port. Check out Dana Gibber for additional information. Many are involved with more and the fact that when you're a sailor, you are fully provided for ..

Do not think what to eat, where to go, what to wear itp do not think about everyday aspects of life. It's all happening by itself. Here are the most common reasons for the choice of a sailor. However, there are downsides. Let's talk about them. Probably the hardest thing is being separated from their families. Some of her stand, some – not. Another fact is that many families of seafarers disintegrate. From the moral aspect of the physical. Work including weekends and holidays, the same person, but only around the sea. The duration of a flight is on average half a year or more. If there is no psychological Compatibility with the people you work for a long time, the work turns into hard labor. Separation from normal life on shore leaves big impression on those who are at sea. Therefore, returning home, sailors need some time to get into the rhythm of life, and then it pulls back to look for marine crewing. In a sea of many pros and cons, but those who are determined to connect his life with the sea, is unlikely to be exchanged intended course.

Job Hunting Tips

Posted by Carlota on March 1, 2014 with Comments Closed
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Information supplied by 'thematic groups' (eg, leadership quality / management positions, organizational skills, professional achievements) that is directly relevant to the job you want, dates are usually excluded to highlight your experience, not sequence of events. Recommend using this type of resume if: you have little to say about a previous job, and you are applying for the position of the series, you come back to this area of activity and area after a long break. Strictly chronological order of presentation of your experience will work against you if you have worked in different places, but this work does not reflect your career. Thus, summary functional type focuses on the achievements of your employment and you can hide the "hole" in your working life. However, one should consider the fact that many employers are so summary, with some suspicion. Of course, very important for the employer of your accomplishments and strengths, but they would like to see "the process of its development." Therefore, a functional resume is particularly needed in the cover letter. Summary A summary of the combined type of combined type, not only demonstrates your qualifications and achievements, but also allows you to get a clearer idea about the history of your working life. Usually consists of two parts: a description of the experience of 'thematic groups' and a short description in chronological order of experience, education, etc.; This summary allows you to highlight experiences that are directly relevant real positions and needs of the real employer.

Summary of the combined type is convenient when looking for work, if you are in one of the following categories: seek career change and want to emphasize their general training and qualification and not indicate any specific professional responsibilities which you had to deal with in previous jobs, you could not go through the initial screening stage with a summary chronological type, and you want to make it more "shock" you want to get a job at which you think you have done it, but your working life has little to do with this particular work. This type of resume will allow you from the start to draw your attention to your real achievement, as well as the skills and experience that you can offer. Summary of the combined type is fast gaining popularity and professional recruiters and applicants. Post your resume