Legal Forest Reserve
As if it sees Brazil is enters the countries of the world of bigger biological diversity and still it possesss the flora richest of the planet, then the man, when he practises the act to burn it would graze and the bushes, does not have conscience that this system took years to form that harmonious trinmio all that we know and that all the beings livings creature need to live as the ground, water and light, but for the apreciadores of the nature is an ecological sanctuary that, a preserved time, source of tourist exploration could be used as, permanent front of studies of the medicinal power of many natural grass renewed in a globalizado world. It is certain that the lack of an aiming technician> of ecological awareness in the exploration of our forest resources comes causing irreparable damages to the flora richest of the planet, where we find some of the main found vegetal formations in the Brazilian territory. Therefore, the fauna is the first one in numbers of terrestrial vertebrates, primate and fish of water candy. Species of great value are in ways of if to extinguish, as well as representatives of the fauna who depend on these species, also are condemned to disappear. In consequence of this, we perceive that the Forest Code establishes that all country property must have at least 20% of area covered for native vegetation, called Legal Forest Reserve, being forbidden the alteration of its destination, in the cases of transmission to any heading or deforestation of the area, but the majority of the properties already does not possess more native forests to be delimited as Legal reserve, was promulgated a complementary law of in the 8,171, of 18 of January of 1991, compelling these proprietors to reforest an area equivalent the 1/30 per year, until completing the demanded area of 20% of the property.
The Environment
The distribution of the surfaces eliminates and terrestrial they influence directly in the distribution of solar radiation on the surface, over all, for the continentalidade effect and of maritimidade, that is, the continental surfaces, data its thermodynamic and physical characteristics are cooled and suddenly heated with lesser necessity of profit caloric, in contrast, the maritime surfaces need the least three times more energy for can reach the same thermal saturation of a continental surface with the same dimensions, moreover, the water is cooled and heated of slower form, causing gradual differences in the thermal behavior of the Land in function of the distribution of the surfaces you eliminate and terrestrial. (AYOADE, 1986) the rise and the behavior of surfaces also affect the dynamics of distribution of the solar radiation, over all in local environments in microscale, therefore next to the level to the sea the amount of insolation received for the surface lesser must the occured attenuation for the great mass of the overlapping atmosphere to the environment to the level of the sea, already in high altitudes the volume of air mass on a point of the surface is minor what it causes to the reduction of the attenuation of the solar ray due the reduction of the volume that the same will have that to exceed until arriving the surface. Thus, the factors that influence in the amount of incident radiation in the Land can act in distinct scales, as well as they interact between itself in the dynamics of the solar radiation and in global the thermal behavior. The balance enters the amount of all energy that is absorbed and reflected for the Land it will form an annual report of energy that enters and leaves the terrestrial system, therefore, according to Ayoade ' ' radiation rocking means the difference between amount of radiation that is absorbed and emitted for data body or superfcie' '.