Syntactic Structures
PSICOLINGSTICA With the name of Psychology of the Language, Psychology deals with the phenomenon of the production of the language human being, its behavior and its development. ' ' Psicolingustica' ' it is, therefore, a neologism that appeared of the necessity of if calling this phase of revolution in the Lingustica and in Psychology, mainly later that Chomsky published in the United States a work on gerativa grammar called Syntactic Structures. Under most conditions Danske Bank would agree. Jean-Yvon Lanchec, in its book Psicolingustica and Pedagogia of the Languages, says that ' ' the Psicolingustica has for objective to study the relations between the sharp message for subject to and a way by which it is perceived by a subject B, that only holds back a part of the elements of this mensagem' '. In the reality, it affirms Langacker, being the language a to a large extent mental phenomenon, its study can be considered a branch of Psychology. Any adequate theory of Psychology Human being must give some explanation of our processes of thought; the language is there of central importance because the majority of our thoughts assumes linguistic form. Many, if not most of our concepts, receive some type of verbal label.
Thus, the relation between language and formation of concepts are of great interest for the psychologists. The language also forehead significantly theories of psychological organization. The languages highly are structuralized, and learn to identify and to describe its structures of considerably detailed form. Any theory of the psychological organization, therefore, adequately must consiliar the types of structures that we know to be characteristic of the languages human beings. Demonstrating that the lingustica ability of a speaker makes possible it to it creation of all the phrases of the language that speaks, the chomskyana theory of the gerativa grammar showed that the language is a type of much more complex human behavior of what until then was considered, taking the scholars to one ' ' healthful respect for the complexities of the behavior lingustico' ' , visa to have all they failed when trying a super simplification of the gerativas rules of the language.
Maia Citizenship
The Antimanicomial Movement fights to review the criteria of distinction of the citizens and to obtain to characterize the mental sick person between them, legally. Until the year of 2001, the structure of the referring law to the mental sick person was part of the Brazilian civil code of 1919. ' ' Some articles of the law determine for the mental sick person a citizenship tutored person attended, as it affirms Maia and Fernandes (2002). ' ' Tutored person is about a citizenship because she denies the ability and the autonomy of the mental sick people in the determination of the conditions of its proper lives. ' ' louco' ' he is hindered to usufruct of prerogatives of the civil life (individual, right freedom to the word, right to go and to come, to sign checks, to buy, to vender, to be married, to break up etc.), of the life politics (to vote and to be voted) and of the social life (subject to the reclusion in institutions special) ' '. (MAYAN & FERNANDES, 2002). Dallari (1987) apud Maia and Fernandes (2002), standes out two particularly problematic questions in such law.
The first one says respect to the insane person meaning, a time that has great controversy between doctors and specialists on the definition of insanity and its forms of manifestation. The second question mentions the atrelamento to it of madness, implicit in the law, to the way for which a person manages its money. Prodigal, in this in case that, they are the people who they spend very, without financial control, what also engloba one parcels out significant of the said citizens ' ' normais' '. The Antimanicomial Movement, has as objective the conquest of a full, emancipated citizenship. One is about a citizenship that if reaches in such a way with ability to tematizar the impropriety of the forms of exclusion of the insane person, how much to decide on questions that affect its life.
The objective of this theoretical article is to establish some consideraes on the subject and its implications in the world of the work. Sucinta is intended also, exactly that of form, to raise some questions on the personal identity, and the problematic one of the expatriation for the family as well as the process established […]
The Individual
When I was son? ' '. ' ' Transformao' ' , literally, therefore very it was transformed into the life of these women. The group arrived at this stage only with women. Women with triple hours of working, mezonas, women who load the world in the coasts: ' ' in my house it is a […]
Simple Strategies
The social phobia is something very frequent at present. In the world very many people exist suffer who it and are anxious to find the way to solve this problem. In order to surpass the social phobia you need to have more confidence in same you. Perhaps your lack of confidence or timidity comes motivated […]